💞T-thank,you?💞 (part 2)

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You snuggled with him in the bed sheets. the curtains where closed, the star lights were on, the atmosphere made it cozier. You smiled into his shirt. you remembered the moment you had with him on the way here


You held hands with him the whole time, you were almost to your dorm when you felt Philp stop. He grabbed your hand and connected it with his. " Philp? " You question him, confused while blushing. He turned your face gently and kissed your cheek. He grabbed a hair clip, and cliped the long hair strands that were on your sand.

" Aww, don't you just look adorable " He said joyfully while his smile made you feel warm and happy

' First one '

" You're so Cute Philp " You say trying to make him blush. He smiled and leaned forward and kissed you. You instantly kissed back, as when you both pull away, there was a long string of saliva. " Lets continue this later " You say while grabbing his hand. He nods as you both continue to walk to your dorm.

end of memory}}

You felt his hand go around your neck as he tightens your grip. You felt your head heat up as you couldn't breathe. You touched his arm and yelled " PHILIP! " He let go, as tears went down your face. You gasped for air, as just giggles and says " I'm sorry " He says as he gets up and walks to the kitchen. You sat there in shock, you heard him come back with something. You scooted back to the other side of the bed, as he gently strokes your cheek as your close your eyes. " Aww sweetie, there's no need to be afraid, have something sweet " He says as he hands you a plate of cake. You hesitated, but he then kisses your neck. You saw the cake, it was covered in white frosting, and a cherry on top. You dug the small fork inside, it tasted vanilla, as the filling was
You ate it.

" Is it good? " He asks. You nod trying to convince him.

He walked into the living room and grabbed the flowers from the waves

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He walked into the living room and grabbed the flowers from the waves. He held them up to me, and said " These are the flowers you took from me, and you agreed " He smiled as the flowers dripped and onto my bed. " Philp i, love you " You day while laughing, trying not to cry

" well, you wouldn't mind me dating you "
He grinned

* First one *
" Of course " You smiled.

He walked back to the vase and put them back in. You saw him in leave again and, as you heard him take off his shirt. He turned off the light, as the only thing that you saw was the star lights. He gave you once last forehead kiss and turned himself over, facing the wall. You saw his shirt. As you saw the stain, but more of it was all over his shoulder parts of the shirt. You were scared but you decided to go to bed anyway. As you tried not sob while holding the bedsheets tight.

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