🇷🇺// Little laughs //🇷🇺

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" Wait Russia!! " You yelled as he accidentally tumbled over to the ground, you accidentally tumbled on him and lost your control, you both landed on a flower bush, you groan while lifting your upper body and scatting your forehead. You looked down to see yourself on him as he looked

At you, he blushed and laughed, you did the same as you got off him and grabbed his hand and helped him up. He stopped and starts brushing off the leaves from his Ushanka and his black long sleeved sweater, you got distracted from his smile, he looked at you in confusion as you dreamt back at his eyes.

He smiles and started to brush off the leaves in your hair and clothes, you both were 13. Both young and clueless, but the age where you started caring more than you should " Hey y/n wanna do something else " He asked as you replied with " What, like Make fried eggs and place them on Ame's face while he's sleeping

" you joked as he laughed while stroking his cheek. His smile was adorable, so innocent, so loving. " you ok? " He asked as you shook your head back to reality. " I'm just glad your my, friend " You said softly as he jumped in your arms hugging you. " Always will be! You're never alone with me around " He said as you

Nodded. You hugged back and laid your chin on his shoulder " Friends, forever? " He asked as he said in joy " Of course!! " You both hugged and laid on the grass talking about stuff. You slowly fade out from the photo frame as you saw tear drops fell in the photo, a memory that hasn't been forgotten. You held

The photo and cried, it had been 6 years and Russia faded away from you, you had a bad time with him. You didn't know how you both begun to drift away, but you certainly remembered the day you lost him. " I want don't want anything to do with you!! I don't know why I was even friends with you " He held as he opened the door.

It was slow motion, the other side of the door was bright light and he slowly entered it, and when he did he harshly slammed the door. You dropped to your and cried, when the memory wave passed, you heard a loud high pitch frequency " Ahh! " You said loudly in pain and dropped and fell on the drawer. You almost fell

To the ground but you grabbed the table side of the drawer and held it, keeping your knees away from the ground. Russia came in and asked " Y/n are you ok?! " He yells helping you back up. You rubbed your head and calmly said " I'm good, I just need time " You said putting the picture back on the table side of the drawer and walking away.

You walked outside where 6 years ago you sat with him on the specific area/patch of grass. You sat down as the wind flowed through your hair, you heard footsteps follow, Russia sat down next closely next you. You glanced at him, you noticed he was wearing a black long sleeved sweater and his Ushanka. You sighed while pulling up your knees and

fiddling with the grass " y/n I'm sorry " He said as you looked at him and asked " why? " You smiled as he puts his hand on yours and says " I remember what you remembered about what I said. I deeply regret saying that, that's the biggest thing I feel guilty of, and I sincerely wish I could take it back " You frowned as tears started to flow down " I

do forgive you, but I can't forget, but I know how if I wanted to. And that's by forgetting you " You said as you got up and started to walk away as he pulled your back down. You fell backwards and into his lap as he pleaded " Please don't leave!! " He said as tears fell down his eyes. You stroked Them away and smiled slightly " I may " You said as he held your waist tightly digging his

forehead into your chest " No please! I beg you!! I know I was an awful friend who doesn't deserve to be yours!! But I wanna do better, I wanna be better. I know you don't wanna be stuck in the past, but can I still be apart of your present?? I want to change I wanna be good for you!! I just wanna do something to make you happy with me. " He

then said calmly. You lift his chin up and said " Oh Russ you've always had, it wasn't that you said those things to me, the problem was that you ended the time I had with you, and we didn't spend forever together. Later I had to cope and get used to that, even when I didn't what to " You said as he hugs you hard as you fell backwards to the ground with him on top. He

cried loud as he hugged you tight " I wanna be with you, I wanna be your friend again, it doesn't have to be the best " You said as you hugged back " Ok then " You said softly as he looked at you in shock " THANK YOU!! " He yells as he kisses your cheeks. You Laughed as Russ held you and got up while lifting you in the sky. You laughed as he

blushed and did the same " I've missed you " He whispered " so have I " You said quietly. You put your arms around his neck as he swayed you around by your waist while smiling wide. You both had the closest friendship after that day, in fact he was very protective of you which you found adorable "

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