Why...? // 🇫🇷France🇫🇷 //

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France looked at you in shock as he was about to grab his own throat, a ball, seeming to form inside. Tears flowing down his face. He didn't know if this was real life, or if he was dreaming, maybe perhaps it was a nightmare in reality. He watched you raise your hands against the Man's hips. " I never loved you.. not in any world, and certainly not in this one would I ever have any compassionate feelings towards someone like you " you said with a grin on your face. The man never said a word, he simply smiled at France, the man's eyes blurred. France

Felt a burning sensation in his chest " Why...? " he asked himself in his head. There was a long silence that filled the void. " why? Why? You dare ask me why? " y/n asked in a cold tone with a grin still remaining on her face. " like I said.. I could never possibly go that low to ever have anything to do with you. I hate you, there's nothing in this world that I would want then to see you disappear. I wish your existence was erased from my memory " y/n said, and turned back to the man and leaned in for a kiss.

As soon as he kissed back, France stumbled backwards and fell over on the ground, a black void is starting to consume everything around him, he looked at his feet and saw, and felt the void of harshly pulling him. France immediately woke up, panting and sweating from a nightmare, he turned to look at you who was slowly waking up. " France? H-honey? What's the matter? Why are you awake at this hour? " you asked in a tired, croaky voice. You rubbed your eyes and slowly sat up. You yawned, and then slowly turn to look at him.

You saw sweat dripping from his face, dried tears on his red cheeks, him ripping his chest, his eyes facing his lap. He was shaking, you gasped, and immediately came closer to him, you pulled him by both of his shoulders " no no no no no, honey honey. Please look at me. " he said, in desperation, trying hard not to panic. It was a nightmare you knew about, you buried the feelings of crying deep down. You lately held his cheek and turned him to look at you. " honey it isn't real, look at me in my eyes, tell me if you feel me.

It was just the same nightmare, a nightmare, that isn't true. Please look at me my darling, see how much and truthful of my love I have for you " you said hoping he'll listen. His eyes slowly glanced at you after then turning away, Yusei and pulled him into your lap " I'm right here France, I'm right here, don't believe and put emotion in value in things that are not true " he said softly, while rubbing his arm. Tears started to slow from his eyes as he then coughed. " I'm so afraid.... I'm so afraid. That everything.

You said, in my same nightmares that keep happening, are true... " he said, as he looked at you with red tired eyes. You then kissed him passionately while stroking his head " Mon Amour, I want you to take my word, to take this existence in this reality that contains my truthful intention and take hold in everything I say right now. I know it's scary, but it's only scary because you believe it's true, I want you to find in your heart that you believe that I love you " you said as he looks deep into your eyes looking for hopes of blissful aid and guidance.

" I'm so sorry y/n. I'm not sure why I keep getting the same nightmare recently I know you love me. I have never doubt that. I'm just afraid of what I see that is unreal " he said he has a few more tears fall out of his eyes and onto your lap. You stroke his cheek " shhh, what you see that is untrue, is a fear, this fear isn't reality, in a way your feelings take offense from your own mind. I would like you to relax, breathe and be calm. See that I hold you now, see that my heart has become one with yours " he said, as you then smiled. France

Immediately pulls you in for a close hug and cries lightly into your chest, you sooth him, giving light kisses on his head. " I know I know. You're here right now, you always were. I love you so much Mon Amour " he said and smiled. You smiled back, watching him slowly fall back asleep in your arms. Your side and relief and wiped a few tears that came from your eyes. You laid back down, him still being in your arms, you look at the ceiling and held him tight, slowly, closing your eyelids. Breathing in a calm manner, and slowly fell back asleep.

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