Encountering the Elevator Boys / / 🇺🇸🇷🇺🇩🇪🇨🇦

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You were in a hotel for a few days, because he wanted a vacation after a long time at home for work. You were heading out to go get some food at a restaurant in the mall, however, you were in a bit of a rush since it was already evening and you didn't want to be late, or at least not reach peak hour. You wore black doc martens, a along turquoise open jacket, a black mini skirt, light pink tights, a black crop top underneath and red beanie.

You quickly ran out of your hotel room and started to run through the car doors into the elevators area. You quickly pushed the button, and after a few seconds it opened, you froze in your path. You stood there trying to hide your embarrassment, 4 tall guys staring at you. You almost fumbled backwards however managed to stay still.

The 4 guys looked at you for a couple seconds before shaking it off, indicating for you to come inside. You were a little hesitant and placed a concerned stunned weirded-out face. However they all looked away, the one with the Blue shirt smiled and looked to the side of the elevator. You sighed and looked down to the ground, and stepped in, you didn't have much of a choice since you really needed to go " Um.... Sorry we startled you " The one in the black shirt nearest to the elector said as he laughed

Wiping off the sweat on the side of his face " I-it's not a problem. It's ok, I just didn't expect all of you to take the whole elevator " you said as everyone giggled to themselves. You smiled to yourself slightly " Ground floor? " the one with one shirt asked as you shook your head. " oh that's right! Sorry I wasn't paying attention " you said and laughed. He pressed the elevator button again, they were also going on the ground floor " guys make some more room

Jesus " The one with the other black shirt said, a German accent standing out. Everybody scratched their heads with an awkward smile and moved back even more. " no no that's quite alright, there is enough space from where I am now " you said and smiled. Everyone blushed as you looked at everyone with confusion " if I may ask, what's your name? " The one with the white shirt asked as you hesitated for a second before replying " It's y/n " you said softly.

Your name, suddenly bouncing in everyone's ears, all names were beautiful however the one they were told coming from a person they've never seen before but think is very beautiful made it a whole lot different. " what's all of your names? " you asked gripping your strap bag looking friendly. " My name is America. But my friends called me Ame " The one with the white shirt said very happily. " My name is Canada, but sometimes people call me Nada " Nada said sweetly " My name is Germany, only people I know or close friends call me Ger "

He said with a straight face, only have a tint of a smile. You could see the bashfulness he was dying to hide " and My name is Russia, only a few people call me Russ " He said quietly while slightly smiling and then looked away " He doesn't talk much hehe. So don't mind him, he seems like a tough boy no one talk to. But if you really get to know him he's actually such a teddy bear " America said as he awed Russia who started to look annoyed or rather shy and lightly punched his arm. To which Ame laughed, Canada giggling and Germany closing his eyes trying

Hard not to laugh, but he had a shaky smile. " Oh that's Ame for you!.. always out going, loud and makes people think he's some goofy ahh boy " Canada said as he did a funny face to which Ame looked at him yelling at him to shut up. You laughed quietly and tried hard to show it, red cheeks starting to form on your face " Well go Bully Ger! He ain't saying anything!! " America said while pointing at him. Germany glared at everyone coldly as he then smiled and said " you dare want to try that with me? " he said as he expressed a sexy tone.

Ame cowards into the corner of the elevator, Canada smiling with sweat dripping down his face x his eyebrows expressing him to give mercy. Russia just grinned and closed his eyes " heh, that side of Ger always sees to amaze me " Russia said as his accent clicks in your ears. " well Russ, that's because of our similarities " Germany said and shrugged his shoulders. The door finally opens " where are you heading y/n? " Ame asked as you looked him and said " Oh! I'm going to the mall! I'm afraid it will

Be peak hour if I don't get there quick. I want to go eat some food " You said while blushing. " Really?? We're going there too! We're also starving and want some early dinner " Canada said excited " you wanna come with? Or we can go with you " Ame asks smiling wide. " that's be great! Let's go!! " you said as  Germany spoke " I think we'll have a great time, glad we met you y/n " Germany said a tiny of blush paints his cheeks. America and Canada giggled, even though

Feeling a bit jealous they didn't really mind at all. Russia raised an eyebrow to all of them as they then looked at him " You seem like a very sweet girl y/n " Russia says as he then smiles to which his friends were shocked at his words " awww that's so sweet Russia, you're all too funny  and so sweet " You said as you all begin to walk outside the hotel. They had a car so you all hopped in and was very excited to go hangout, even though you didn't really know them. You thought it would be an entertaining fun experience so you were very glad.

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