🇲🇽 unexpected turn 🇲🇽

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* short *

" Hola Hola, señorita, my what do we have here? Such a beautiful woman " The man said as you stood there not saying anything. He circled you, walking slowly, literally all you did was walk from a store and went outside and started to walk back home, but now you were stopped by a man, in local a town, through a market. He stopped circling and faced you, he grabbed a thick wheat from the ground growing through the bricks and stuck it in his mouth. He looked

At you and grinned, he flicked his hat over his head a bit so you could see his face, and as soon as he did so you looked at him and softly gasped. You immediately blushed and held your hands fidgeting with them. He looked at you smiled widely showing you his shiny teeth, his eyebrows furrowed and golden eyes glaring, he winked as you saw light come out like a small stars. " Dios Mio " He walked closer to you as you stood there shaking a bit. He grabbed your

Hands and twirled you around, and made you almost fall but caught you, " oh my goodness! Who are you? " you asked in a flustered voice " Don't you recognize the flag on my face señorita? I am...Mexico!~ " He said as he let you go. You blushed and smiled " and what is your name Mi Amor? " he asked with such a gentle husky tone " y/n.. " you said quietly " y/n?! Why~ such a pretty name, and now where abouts are you going to? " he asked friendly as

You blushed looking away " Saint Carlos, street Mary Rosa " you said as he noticed your flusteredness. He smile while raising an eyebrow, he pulls a hair strand around your ear and glides your chin to look at him " it's not too far, I will take you home " he said in a fancy tone " Oh Gracias, but I am going to the market " You smiled as he stood there shocked while red filled his cheeks " Why, you're Spanish, it's so beautiful... " He said in a normal toned voice, you noticed

How sweet and soft his real voice was, rather than his charming one, which made you tingle a bit. You smiled and then said " let's go? " you smiled happily. He shook his head and pointed to the direction where you were meant to be heading " Yes yes! vamanous! " He said loudly. You giggled and started walking, him looking at you walk for a second after then shaking his head and running after you, you looked to your shoulder to see him spawn next to you from running as you rolled your eyes nicely.

He eyed what you were wearing, but not even secretly, his whole body and face stared at you. You turned and tilted your head in confusion " Yes Mexio? " you smiled as he blushed again, this time not hiding it. " I just, you're dress, the purple, really fits you, and your sun hat and basket, all it's just so, Hermosa " He said and then smiled nicely. You blushed hard and stopped for a second. He stopped in confusion as you leaned close to him and kissed his cheek " You're so sweet Mexico " you said.

All of a sudden a soccer ball flying from the air was about to hit you from above, as you turned around realizing your misfortune, You felt a pair of arms pick you up and someone's close embrace, you closed your eyes then opened them swiftly. You looked up and saw it was Mexico, some how again he was holding wheat in his mouth, he looked down and then smirked but with a tint of worry, you touched his chest as he then asked " Are you ok? Mi Amor? " He whispered as you nodded. Thanks to

Mexico, your purple cottage dress stayed clean, your hat still in place and basket still in arm, he finally sets you down, looking over at the kids while picking up their ball, all 4 of them horrified. " Goodness, cuidado pequeños, podrían haberla lastimado y ensuciado su vestido " He said calmly and smiled then handing their ball to them . The one in the middle walked over to you while looking down and

said softly " Lo sentimos mucho hermosa señorita, no fue nuestra intención " He said almost about to cry. You awed and knelt down and wiped his tear away and gave him a hug " esta bien, no te preocupes, no llores, ve a jugar " You said softly as he smiled, you reached in your basket and pulled out a cookie, handing it to him, then walking over to the other three and giving them one as well. They all ran to you and hugged you as you smiled with joy " ¡ve a divertirte! " you yelled happily as they laughed and said thank you while running back to the open

field " eres muy linda señorita! " The one that looked the youngest said as you blushed and laughed while yelling back thank you. You turned and saw Mexico staring at you, admiring and falling in love even harder as you blushed and said what. He shook his head and walked to you, kneeling on one knee " y/n, I didn't know you could speak some or a lot of, Spanish but. You're so, kind, I admire you, even
If we known each other for such a small time. He said as you held his hand, blushing while the wind

lightly swayed. Mexico pulls out a bracelet and puts it around your wrist as you looked at it with shock and gratitude " A silver bracelet with a bird " He said as you looked back up at him " I've been waiting to give this to the right girl " He said happily smiling. You bent down and kissed his lips, as you pulled him to stand up, you didn't know him well but you definitely wanted to more. For the rest of the day, you both explored the market, happily.

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