🥀💉Only one for one ⛓🤍

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"Are you going to run away
again? "

- " N-no "

You stood up as your knees were full of dirt, bruises and little scrapes. Canada grabbed your arm as he drags you out of the forest, as it was not too far from his house. After a few minutes gone by. You feared what they had planned for you. You looked into his careless eyes as he slowly looks to you. You look away quickly. " Almost. There " He sings. You were not liking this. As you both reach an empty road that was built on a slant, as the only thing you saw was him, by the lights that were on. The door was dark wood. As it was a security door, as the gray wall give it a touch of suspicion and curiosity. He opened the door and shoved you inside. You fell down a stair case. As you look up to see

Russia. The tall man, harshly tied your hands together. You were about to stand up, but was forced back down by Canada who swiftly walked back down and with ease shoved you to the floor. You made a grunt sound as Russia Tsk*

" We are very sorry to do this to you, but it's just because we want you " Canada chuckles as Russia touches your cheek. Canada got annoyed and passively knocked his hand away as he puts both of his hands in the air making a gesture

 Canada got annoyed and passively knocked his hand away as he puts both of his hands in the air making a gesture

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" Choose me or him, (y/n)?

•Canada •Russia

Blood on there shirts and cheeks stained with dried blood. "Tsk" you as you looked away in disappointment and anger. A few seconds past by, as you heard Canada pull out something as you turn your head

 A few seconds past by, as you heard Canada pull out something as you turn your head

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" Here you are my darling, a sweet red rose. It's bloomed from the love I have for you, I suppose " He hums as you tremble in fear. Waiting to see what Russia says. He pulls out a large knife covered in blood.

" Baby, chose me, for I will protect you from any harm and danger, I let you have friends that aren't any stranger

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" Baby, chose me, for I will protect you from any harm and danger, I let you have friends that aren't any stranger. I have understandings of your personal boundaries. Don't worry "
He says calmly as a spec of tune was in his voice. As tears began to fall down his cheeks.

You look away as Russia let go of his knife as it hits the iron floor sharply, creating a loud echo that pierced your ears as it was at he only noise that existed in the dead silent room. Russia walked away for a quick second and grabbed something long,large and wooden. It was a bat with nails in it.

" I'll give you three seconds "

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" I'll give you three seconds "

Before you knew it, he counted. Slow.
Slow enough for you to grab something sharp of the ground as it cut your finger. You cut the ropes off as you immediately stood up.
" Three " Russia growled. You grabbed the knife on the ground. Canada ran to get his axe. As Russia distracted you.

Canada came back. Now, it was a stand off. Russia's weapon was a wooden bat with nails, and Canada's was a regular sized axe. You were great full to yourself for grabbing the knife just in time, as it was large and wide for a normal knife. As the lamp's light made it reflect. " Come here sunflower " Russia said happily.

( not my drawing, credit to owner 📌 )

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( not my drawing, credit to owner 📌 )

You were now in fight mode. You knew you had to escape. Canada launches at you and swung his axe. But you jumped and rolled to the other side where Russia was. Russia swung his bat from the right. As you had your knife in the direction where he swung it.

It didn't dig in the bat much. But you had to keep pushing your force as he did the same. Canada came running at you as you quickly moved to the side. They both looked at you in surprise. As they were destructed your threw a large book from the table as it hit Canada in the face. He quickly fell down as you saw his nose

bleeding, you threw your knife at Russia's bat, as it went threw and broke it and stuck to the wall. Russia grabbed the knife as you grabbed a nearby vodka bottle and smashed it without hesitation. Canada got up and grabbed his axe and swung at you, you grab a * Magic metal pipe of pain..JK * Faucet pipe pole. As you hold it with both hands and you use it to block the axe.

You jumped and pushed back making Canada fall backwards and lose his balance. Russia came running to you with a knife as you grab the half broken bottle and threw it at him. As it stabs his stomach. Canada dropped his axe as he was about to grab it, you grab a nearby empty wine bottle and threw and smashed it across to Canada. As the shards hit all around his face,neck and half of his shoulders.

You dropped the pipe and picked up Russia's knife and stabbed Russia's shirt into the wall so he couldn't get up. You grabbed Canada's axe as Russia passed out and Canada backed up to the wall next to Russia. As looked up into your eyes and smiled. You swung the axe perfectly at Canada's lumberjack shirt near his arm. The axe went into the wall pinning his shirt.

You wiped off the white dust on your pants as Canada as well passed out, as you poured liquid gasoline everywhere but them.You then calmly walked upstairs and locked the door while light the door handle on fire. As you calmly walked away as you heard firetrucks, ambulances, and police cars come to the flames area. As you went to the 7/11 and got a tiny red loli pop and some coke and sat outside on the bench. While seeing the smoke from the near by buildings.
" Goodbye my old friENDs "

Well that's how it ended. Sorry I didn't post much m, I had to do online school work for a while. So this story is not what you hopefully expected. But anyway hope you liked it.
Next story will be in another book

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