Other case // Finland 🇫🇮

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You were walking down a street, it was mid day and that for some reason, nobody was around, not a lot. You wore a black coat, a grey scarf, a tight gray tartan skirt, a white beanie, a f/c shirt, and black doc martens boots, it was all fancy. You felt fancy, even though you new something was wrong, you leaned on a brick wall near a store and begun to wait.

For something, all you knew was that you needed to meet someone, after a couple of minutes waiting, a tall think guy, with a long black coat and a Finnish hat came out. He looked to his left as his hands were in his pockets, his position slanted slightly. His emotion was bland, bored or confused, you raised an eyebrow as he turns his full body

Facing you as you nod. He walks up to you while leaning forward a little, making you lean back on the wall " Greetings, Finland " You said quietly as he smirks a little " Hello, y/n " He says in a villainous tone. He stands up straight as you both start to walk " You've got the proof? Right? " He asked " You we're the one who sent that envelope, it's been an odd day,

Not many people around, feels like a timer will hit zero " You said as he replies " Yes, we should go somewhere, inexistent to the main world " He whispered as you smiled and nodded. You both walk down an alley way and walked up to a wall, it was ordinary, ripped up paint, a little moldy, dirt and cracked, as a few posters were stuck on it, and pictures been

Spray painted on it. You then placed your hand on it, in a specific way as the wall shaped itself into a door way and slides open, you and Finland both walk in as the door slides back out and into its original placement. You both walk upstairs for a minute or two and finally meet another door, you opened it as it was a messed up office. " Is this the place? "

He asked as you said " Uh hUh " in a musical tone while grabbing a large envelope and placing it on the dirty dusted table. " It was a big case, Case D-437 " You said as he looked away " definitely a planned? " He asked as you open the envelope " yep " You said as you open the documents and read and skipped through it " A bombing in another

Country, _____, in _____, bomber unknown, live witnesses was only 17 people as 136 were killed " you said as he asked " what do we do now? " He asked " We have to wait until 4 for someone to arrive, which is like 30 minutes " You groaned. You put the documents back in the envelope, you sat on the desk crossed legged as he grinned at you. He walked up to you and stroked your thighs, you smiled and slightly unfolded your legs

As he glides his hand from your thigh to your waist, he gets closer and blushed. He lifts up your legs as you wrapped them around his waist, he bends over slights as his hand was around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as the other hand of Fin's laid across over you on the side. He squished your ass as you slightly jump " Fin!! " You yelled as he laughs.

You pulled him by his collar and kissed him roughly, he kissed back and fought with you. You moaned into the kiss as he roughly pushes you back with every kiss, you blush as he groans. Salvia fills both of your mouths as you pulled away while gasping, he wasn't tired as he went lower for you neck. He kissed it and licked it making a trail, he harshly bit it as

You whine and started to cry. He made a few hickeys on your neck as he pulled away, he slowly puts his hand on your boob and squished it making you moan. You pull his hand off and giggled " Maybe we can finish later, he's coming in 2 minutes " You said as he raised an eyebrow while smiling " That fast already ? " You groaned and nodded.
You made sure that your hickeys were covered with your coat as you jumped off the table and

looked at Fin, you looked up at him as he looked down. You pulled his collar down and kissed his cheeks as he laughed " Love you too " He said as the door to the entrance started open " What's the mission? " You asked as the door closed and the man lifted up his hat slightly revealing it was Norway " Head front " He said as you looked at Fin as you both nodded and existed the building and continued your mission.

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