The Future Changes // 🇺🇳 UN 🇺🇳

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You had your own country called y/c/n as it was rich and powerful. But not as big, rich and powerful like America and not as poor either. You were a good leader or president and there was not war or peace the other countries but it was neutral. ( OFFENSIVE ) but you felt most of the conflict between countries that were having trouble with eachother were kind of childish, pathetic and easily fixable. But that day you were working you were extremely

( read description plz ༎ຶ^༎ຶ )

Irritated, annoyed, angry and frustrated. You groaned and didn't look at any of the countries who tried to speak to you as your pen started to smoke because of how fast and harsh you were scribbling it onto the paper as you turned your neck which made it crack, you looked very tired. The countries looked at you and ran away screaming as you rolled your eyes as UN stood next to you, you didn't notice however.

You felt someone near you as you turned your view and saw it was UN, you then sighed and asked " well? What do you need UN?  I'm trying to not only solve the progressing violince of the conflict between C/H and C/H but to solve that for myself as well " UN sighed and puts his hand near yours " Look y/n I know your trying hard to solve the other countries conflict but you don't have to do it constantly " He said concernedly.

You breathed in and closed your eyes thinking about your choice of words and say the in a polite manner " listen UN. As much as I appreciate your concerns for me, i'm capable of doing this. The conflict of countries depending how bad they are could be very dangerous and the increase rate of them starting a world war could be a chance, as much as you know and I know that it is not my job to intervene and fix this for them. But they're never

Going to realize how serious their issues with eachother could turn out if they either make the worng decision or say the wrong words. We don't want that to happen again UN, I just can't see that happen again and we're all going to perish if the problem is not solved. It's 2020 what disaster could possibly occur, might " You said with a sad look. UN sighed knowing you were completely right
However he then said " But it shouldn't or mostly be yours to fix,

The others must find away to accept eachother in a way that causes peace. They have to try and realize that, maybe with some of your help but most of the effort should come from the Countries who are in the conflict " He said as you sighed and smiled " Thanks UN, I guess you're right.

I just hope they think about

What choices they are willing

To make, and the cause and affect that

Could happen to not only their people

But the people near them as well.

To think about their choice of words,

What path they are willing to take 

leading for the country, not only

for themselves but to represent their

Country........ "

You said then looked at UN dead straight in the eye as he shivered. You stared at him for a good 5 seconds before turning back to work, UN sighed sadly and touched your shoulder. You start crying and dropped your pen as it rolled of the table as you lay your face on the palm on your hands that rested with the support of your elbows that laid on the desk. UN gasped and rubbed your back and held you close " UN, please help me help eveyone. They need us.
I need then to live a life

they were born to have " You whispered as UN makes you look at him and hugged you again while saying " I'll try, I'll try. I promise, as much I wish I could fix everything with one click but I can't because thats not how it works but, I'll try " He said as you hugged him tight " Oh UN how the hell do we make our Earth a safe home for those who are lost, who are hurt who have nothing and nobody " You asked as he kissed your cheek and sat down next to you and helped you finish your work " Well figure it out, it'll just take some time " he said as he smiled you smiled back, happily finish ing your work.

Hey guys the reason I added something offensive is because I feel like every story should have a scene or aspect based on a self opinion depending on the reader or the caharcter. Please do not attack me for this, that was not intended for any real life conflict matters, that was only intended for venting during that part of the scene, it was not meant to be controversial or to offend a specific country's conflict. Thank you for being  mature and understanding have a great day :)

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