Why is she here?? // 🇷🇺Russia🇷🇺

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" Russia get up right now! " Belarus said sternly as Russia groaned still in bed and threw the covers over his whole body while moving around, which made the bed squeak. Belarus rolled her eyes and took of the covers as Russia instant ly sat up and yelled " Что не так с тобой?! " He asked as Belarus frowned while sighing from her nose. " You need to get over her " Belarus said as Russia laid

Back while rubbing his eyes " No, she's gone, I miss her " He said as Belarus sat down next to him. " I know, but you've got y/n right now. Stop focusing on her and move on " Belarus said as Russia now sat up and heard the gates open. Russia got up and looked through the blinds and asked " What is she doing here? " He asked worriedly as Belarus said " I invited y/n, you need to talk with her

" He said as he then yelled " Нет, сейчас буду!! " He said as Belarus stood straight and stomped her foot " Вы мне гэтага не скажаце, будзьце з ёй мілыя! " Belarus said as Russia says " Fine " Belarus quickly kneatens Russia's room and put the blinds up and threw a baby wipe at him. His room looked a little better and brighter, as Russia wiped his face with it and put in he trash. You walked upstairs and was about to Knock

On Russia's door when it opened, Belarus came out smiling and said " Hey!! Y/n you're here, that's good. Well have fun talking " She said and left the room. You looked at her walk down the stairs and looked at Russia who sat on the bed looking sad. You walk over closed the door and put your bag near the door, " Hi Russ " You said as he groaned and looked away. You sat on the bed next to him and touched his shoulder as you smiled

And said " Glad to see you again! " You said as he looked straight forward across the room not looking at you. " look I know you miss her, but I just hope maybe I could make you happy too. Like she did " You said as you walked over to his bed and laid down on your back on his bed, as Russia looked at you. Russia dated this girl named Slovakia, she was pretty and nice and they dated for 4 months but he broke up with her because he found out secretly she was with Slovenia.

However he still misses her, Russia laid next to you and looked at you as you looked away as your hands were resting or laying on your belly, you joined your hands together and fiddled with them as Russia said " Are you ok? " you ignored his question and sat up and curled into a ball and looking away. He tapped your shoulder as you looked at him for a second before turning away and sighed. " Yep... " you said quickly as he  turned away and felt guilty for taking

Most of his anger and problems out on you, no matter how much you smiled and laughed with him. He knew you were still hurt by the words he had said before, but after that breakup and you constantly helping him with his outbreaks and sorrow he started to feel something for you. He wanted to take this opportunity, to be with you but he was too afraid to ask. But eventually he knew he would, " I'm sorry.....y/n " He said softly as you looked at him

Suprized " I'm sorry that I've been such a pain for you " he said and scratched his cheek. You lay down on your side next to him, facing him as you smile " Maybe just a little " you said and giggled. He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you closer as you yelp while blushing hard, gently but hesitantly putting your arms on his shoulders, Russia thought your reaction was too adorable and laughed as you looked away frowning.

You pulled your hands away and curled up into a ball as you looked up at him, he looked back at you and puts his hands on your cheeks and squishes them as you smiled brightly. He moves closer to you, so close that both of your noses touched " You know what, I love you " he said as you giggled " I love you too Russ " You smiled as he unexpectedly kissed your lips. You pulled away surprised as you said " Ah! Russ I didn't think you were going to- " You looked away

" Oh! I'm, so so sorry n/n " He frowned. And sat up, you jump on him and curl into a ball laying on his lap and wrapped your arms around his waist and said " Nah it's ok, I love ya too " You said as he hugged you tight and jumped ontop of you kissing you all over as you laughed. He kissed all around you, even the parts where you were ticklish, he finally got over the girl he thought was most important to him when the person he should have loved from the started was with him all this time.
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘˶ )

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