🌾🍃Constant 🌾🍃

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You inhaled while lying down comfortably next to the stressed Russian. As he had trouble relaxing and breathing in the calm and wild life's smell. As he holds his picture tighter. " Sshh it's alright, and again " You reassured him. He has his eyes closed tight.

" Breathe, do not think " You say while looking at his beautiful face. He didn't noice you staring, as you look back to the sky. As the only things you could hear was the wind, the birds, but mostly. His soft breathings. You close your eyes while laying a big sigh. " Ok, that's enough for today " You say calmly. You bend your legs

upwards  while putting your hand on your stomach. You furrowed your eyebrows, as you slowly opened your eyes. You look up to see, Russia, as his hands were next your arms. As he towered over you, he was covering the sun's light. As the flaps from his Ushanka dangled downwards.

You flinch " R-Russ? " You stutter while being so close to his face. " Спасибо " He whispers. " N-no problem " You giggle while blushing brightly. " You are an important friend to me " He says aloud while blushing and smiling brightly. You loved his smile. His face, everything

" That's really good to know " You whisper while smiling. He gets up, as you both see the sunset, from the tall you both sat on. You saw the forest, the small roads that curved in corners. " Should we head back? " You asked, as he turns to you. " нет, not yet " He says as he is think Russian accent slurs.

You look at him, as the wind flows strong enough that his flaps flowed. You saw him frown, as tears were about to fall. " H-hey, Russ it's alright, everything's ok " You say coming closer to him while putting your hand on his lap. He looks at you with tears eyes

All of a sudden he jumps towards you with wide arms, as he hugs you tight. He holds your waist and the back side of your shoulders. " T-thank you " He says again. " Russ " You say as you hug back while looking at him. He slowly looks at you. As you kiss his cheek " I'm here, I'm right here "

He smiles like no forever tomorrow. As he then holds you and picks you up and swirls you around by your waist. You both laugh, he looks at you, as you giggled with your eyes closed. While your cheeks shined. You look at him, as he holds you bridle style. He looks at you with a large smirk. You blush hard and push his face away while he laughs.

" Gosh, I love your smile " You whispers " что? " He replies while grinning. " Nothing " You look away while singing. He puts you down as he bends over and kisses your forehead. You place your hand on his cheek in a comforting gesture. As he softly rests on it

" I love you " You say looking up at him. " I love you too " He says while pulling you in close for a hug. You both hug not letting go. You both walk to the house and change clothes. He wore black Adidas and a grey shirt. As you wore a red and white Christmas pattern, baggy sweater. As you wore long black socks that went to your thigh.

You both sat down on the couch near the fireplace. As he drank hot coco and you drank tea. You both look at each other, now knowing that you both were together. He leans closer to you, as you lean back as he lays on your stomach. You soothed his arms, all the way to his neck. He moaned softly, he slowly rests his face in your chest. As he drifts to sleep " Good night "

He says as you smile while saying " goodnight, sweet dreams " You say while taking off his Ushanka and kissing his forehead. You put on your head. Then drifted to sleep. As the sun went down, the snowy winter came calmly, as the fireplace glimmered, and the warmth of your bodies made it cozy, enough for both of you to dream peacefully.

Bro I need to stop making the story end where it ends up with them dating. Like can't it just be a friend-shipp story plz. LIKE brain of mine!!!! 😂😅😑😀😤

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