🍫May i have a piece?🍫

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You were sitting down on the bench with Switzerland, it was a long holiday. A Holliday which you had nothing planned to do, it was a cold morning. You and Swis have been neighbors for at least 2 years, you didn't speak much to each other but you were very fond of each other's company.

You sat on the bench, just sitting and Bunin. You were wearing gray Cotten tracksuit pants, a white singlet, and a red beanie. He was wearing a very unique style, a sweater, with flower patterns on the wrists, you could also see he was wearing a white shirt with a collar

Since it stuck out. You then asked " watcha doing here? " You smiled. He asked " what are you doing here? " He grinned " umm, chilling? " You laughed. He moved closer to you as you were confused " same. You're  very sudden " He smiles " uhh " You exclaim " but I must admit you are very

Cute " He sighs as you blushed " well look who's talking " You giggled. He looked back and had a hint of fluster, you smiled as he took something out of his jacket. A large chocolate bar, he opened it slowly opened it revealing the sweet glory inside. " what type of chocolate

Is it? " He looked at you and replied " Dark, it's from my country " (?) He took a bite of his chocolate and you swore you saw his eyes turn into pink heart shaped. He looked at you as you
smiled and then asked " May I have a piece? " He looks at you and took the chocolate out of his mouth and smirked

" what will you give me for it? " He asked calmly. " mmm anything, I guess " You said without even thinking. He quietly laughed and asked " anything? " He came closer, you nod as he was now close to your face " you know, you are a very kind neighbor " He

Said then looked away. You smiled then said thank you " you can give me something sweet " He said as you looked at him in confusion " Swis are you high on chocolate again? " You laughed. He then said " no concern, give me
a kiss and I'll give you a piece " He said.

Now you kind of wanted the chocolate, but you were a little shy to comply. He smiled and said " don't worry, I won't bite silly " He said as you came closer to his face. You kissed his cheek fast as he asked " oh dear, try again, I'm not sure it worked " He laughed.

You grabbed his face and kissed his cheek passionately as he sat there in shock to what you just did. He dropped the chocolate on the ground as you picked it up and took a piece of the chocolate, you ate it slow as you said " Swis chocolate is my favorite, you know? " You grinned. As he looked at you in shock, he

Blushed hard, not knowing you were actually going to do it. He smiled and said " see you next time, I guess? " He asked, you grinned and replied " yes, see you next time Swis " you laughed as you got up and started to walking back to your house to eat, chill or do something else. He sat there still in deep, shock.

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