🇷🇺You think i'm just some Pushover!🇧🇾

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" Wait Russia! What's wrong, let me help you! " Belarus cried begging Russia to not leave her standing. " Leave me alone Belarus! You're always in the way, Ukraine is becoming worse with being sick. And your being so F***king annoying, you're being a dumb clueless doll " He says as he stomps to his room and slams

His door. Belarus silently cries as she just stood  there in the center of the lounge room.
After this incident, Belarus was secretly colder emotionally but acted like nothing ever happened to her. After that day Russia apologized to her, she smiled and waved it off, but inside, it tore her heart into little

Pieces that dried up and faded away. As it happened more and more to the point she hated herself. After the next day at 1:00am in the Morning, she went outside and went down the hill to the river, where her and her father would spend time when Russia was doing study and Ukraine was doing an after school

Activity during there early childhoods. It was her favorite place because it's gene she got her father all for herself for 2 whole hours. After he slept in front of there eyes and died, as his body faded away, she felt parts of her fade away with him, as she was closely attached to there father.

She saw the water glow, as she fell down to her knees and sat down, her knees facing towards the river. She frowned, holding old grudges inside her as warm tears filled her eyes as they fell down, but her facial expression didn't change. She let out a few sniffles

every 15 seconds until she heard footsteps from behind her. She got I'm instantly and saw a person near by under the tree, she couldn't see who it was since it was dark and that the tree's shadow covered his appearance. After panicking in her head, the person slowly came
Out from under the tree, revealing it was Russia.

" Russia, what's wrong with you! " She yelled. " woah woah woah. Sorry Belarus, I didn't mean to, why are you here " He asks confused then continues " Wait Bela, have you been crying? What's the matter? " He asks all concerned. This pissed her off as she yells

" DON'T CALL ME BELA BECAUSE YOU DON'T MEAN IT. I'm just at some joke to you aren't I? A pushover, is that what I am to you? You've been hurting me with your words for years while I kept my mouth shut. Because i didn't want to hurt you with more agreements than you've had with Ukraine, and I didn't what her to see it either. I have tried multiple times to try make you happy, especially for the times you were upset the most. But you always have pushed me away, and called me things that are the definitions said in forms of the insecurities that I have because of you!!!  I'm nothing to you aren't I? You've always cared for Ukraine and Kazakhstan, but I feel like I've been forgotten, and I have. I'm tired of being  some emotional cushion you can just sit on when you feel like it, and not care for how I feel. I have feelings Russia, I know they may not exist to you, but if that's so, I'll leave then, because I know that's what you wanted me to do. You don't spend time with me at all. Do you ever think about me being hurt or do you think I'm always fine, well my bandaged head is not just bruised Russia, I fell through our car because someone drove on the wrong side of the road and I crash and flew out the windshield. When I told you, you only cared about the fucking car, would you even care if I was dead right now and never came back at all. I'm not a sister to you, Ukraine is, and I'm tired of trying to be good enough for you, when the whole time my existence wasn't enough for you, and that my love and care, was just some words on a paper, that could burn easily!!!!!!!!Russia, I can't keep goin-"

She started to walk away as she felt her arm be pulled as she spun in front of Russia, then pulled into a large hug. " Russia, let me go " She demanded as she didn't hug back. Russia refused as he hugged tighter as he started crying out loud as she relaxed and asked " Rus are you ok? " Her voice softened. There was no excuse to how he treated her and

As he felt his world stop, his heart shatter and his throat swell up. When he heard her say " would you even care if I was dead " and " I'm not a sister to you, Ukraine is " " my existence wasn't enough for you, and that my love and care, was just some words on a paper, that could burn easily "

" You've always cared for Ukraine and Kazakhstan, but I feel like I've been forgotten, and I have " It made him burn inside then out, as he felt like his legs gave up. " Do you hate me that much? " She asked as Russia hugged her tighter and tighter until she felt Belarus slowly lose her grip to standing.

As she falls down but still stood up thanks to her brother. Russia lifted her up bridle style and walked back up the hill and back into the house ". He set her down on her bed as he didn't leave her side until she woke up. He heard soft groans as he looked up to see

Belarus yawn as it was now the morning. Belarus took a second to remember what happened and asked " Russia? " She. Said stroking his head. He looked up slowly and jumped on the bed and slams her into the wall as she sat on his lap. Russia's arm was beside each of her sides, as he relied " I'm fine "

He looks up and says " I'M SORRY BEL, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I didn't mean any of this, I didn't want to hurt you. Please I'm son sorry, I'll make it up to you, I'll be a better brother. I promise I'll protect and care for you, please, I want you to be in my life. I'm sorry for the times I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry that it didn't seem that you thought I didn't love you. I love you so much Bela, I will do anything for you to stay with me. I need you I want  you I miss you so much, please, I won't know what to do without you. You've done so much for me I'm sorry I didn't do much for you. Let me do this for you, please "

Belarus sighed and smiled as he made Russia look at her right in the face as she blushed and giggled. " All I ask, is that you love me as if I meant something to you " She said as Russia pulled her in again for another hug as she hugged back. Belarus fell backwards on her
bed, with Russia following down with her. He

didn't let go, as he really needed this. They both fall asleep in each other's arm for the rest of the morning. As Russia didn't forgive himself but Belarus did, as Russia learnt how Belarus truly felt and was completely miserable. He didn't let go for a long time to the point where Kazakhstan, Ukraine had to get him off. It took them an hour to do so.

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