✧~ Sick ~✧

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sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ sɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴠɪsɪᴛ ʏᴏᴜ.

ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ғʟᴜғғ ♡


Well, where were you now?

You were in bed, piles and piles of blankets almost suffocating you. But you didn't really care, for you were too ill to move.

Unfortunately, you had gotten sick yesterday because you caught a fever off of your friend, Momo after going to her dorm to make sure that she was feeling okay.

Thanks, Momo... You thought, groaning as you tossed over in your bed, closing your eyes in attempt to try and get at least some sleep.

But your sleep was soon ruined as soon as you heard a gentle knock at your dorm door.

Who dare disturbed my precious sleep? When I'm better I'm going to kill them! You thought, now shuffling to peek out of your blanket so that you could be heard.

"C-come in..." You croaked, instantly regretting attempting to shout because your throat begun to hurt and sting after.

After hearing that, your door opened slowly, and you squinted to see who it was.

The first thing you saw was green hair, and that was enough to make you realize that it was none other than one of your friends, Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku glanced worriedly down at you then gently closed your door.

"I-i hope you don't mine me coming in." He chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck in embarrassment.

You smiled gently up at him with half lidded eyes as they were too heavy to open. "I... Don't mind... Thank you for coming to see me..."

Izuku sighed and sat down on a seat that was near your bed, examining your pale face and the bangs under your eyes from where you hadn't been able to sleep properly.

"This isn't an insult or anything, Y/n... But you look terrible!" Izuku exclaimed, the worried look never leaving his face.

You managed to chuckle, (but it did hurt), and reply, "I know, Deku..."

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, so I visited. The rest of our class told me to say that they hope you get better soon."

You smiled gently and nodded, closing your eyes. "That's nice of them... Thank you, Deku."

"It seems like you've gotten worse..." Izuku murmured, patting your head gently.

"Yes... I have gotten worse... But it doesn't matter..." You whispered.

"Of course it matters!" Midoriya exclaimed.

You chuckled and snuggled deeper into your blanket.

Izuku then sighed and got off of your seat. "Well then... I'll leave you to rest. You may have another visitor later however."

Another visitor...? You thought, nodding.

"Bye, Izuku..." You whispered.

"Bye, Y/n. Rest well." He said before leaving you in peace.

Sighing, you proceeded to succumb into a deep sleep.


About an hour later, you were woken up with light knocking on your door again.

Groaning, you moved the blankets off of you and whispered, "Come in..."

The door suddenly opened, and you then opened your eyes to be met with, fluffy, blonde hair, immediately brining a smile to your face.

The person that entered your room closed your door gently then proceeded to walk over to you, grabbing a chair from under your desk in order to sit directly in front of you.

"H-hello, Bakugou..." You whispered, looking up at your boyfriend of four months with half lidded eyes.

He looked down at you with narrowed eyes, "Idiot..." He whispered.

"How am I...?" You whispered back, a smile now pulling at your lips.

"I never asked for you to get sick." He muttered, reaching over to carefully take a strand of your h/c hair in between his fingers, only to wrap it around them a few times before leaning closer to you and tucking it behind your ear.

Humming, you shuffled slightly in your bed.

"Y/n..." Bakugou whispered.

"Yes...?" You whispered back.

"I... Love you." Bakugou whispered again, a small smile on his face, however, you did not see.

You smiled softly and said, "I love you too, Bakugou... Thank you for visiting me."

Bakugou leaned down and pressed a sweet and soft kiss on your burning forehead before replying, "Anything for you... Now get better or else."

"I don't have any medicine left..." You mumbled, eyebrows now furrowed together.

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner, idiot?" Bakugou said, groaning after.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered.

Bakugou clicked his tongue but leaned closer to you and whispered, "I'm only doing this because I love and care for you, okay?"

You hummed with a smile.

"I'll get you some more medicine and come round later with it. Or do you need it now?" He asked.

"I'm fine now... I just want to sleep... You should leave so you don't get sick." You replied.

Bakugou shook his head and took your boiling hands in his somehow cold ones. The coldness of his hands made you relax under his touch.

"I'm not leaving you, Y/n. And don't think I ever will." He said firmly.

You smiled and whispered, "Okay..."

"I love you." Bakugou whispered before pressing a kiss onto your forehead.

And that's how you fell asleep. And so did he. Holding your hands to show you that he was always there for you no matter what.

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