✧~ Nightmare [request 22] ~✧

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this was requested by: Runu-Chan. thank you~

summary/note: katsuki had a nightmare that involves you... ⚠️

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"What did you just say?" Katsuki laughed as he looked down at you

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"What did you just say?" Katsuki laughed as he looked down at you.

"That I want to apply for U.A." was your response.

Katsuki could only scoff. You? Apply to U.A when you didn't even have a quirk? There was no chance.

"So that's your dream? To get into U.A?" Asked Katsuki with a smirk.

You nodded your head and glared up at him.

"You won't get in. After all, you're just a useless person without a quirk." The ash blonde grumbled.

"A quirk doesn't really make you who you are- you do that by yourself." You quickly defended yourself.

The boy that was in front of you scoffed and waved his hand, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

You just huffed and looked away from him. Everyday was the same when you came to school. He saw you, he bullied you. And that was that.

"I know what you could do. It would be a great help for me and everyone else." Katsuki suddenly announced, causing you to hum and turn your head to face him once again.

"What is it?" You asked with a small frown.

The ash blonde stepped closer to you and whispered harshly, "Why don't you go and take a swandive off the roof. That would be a great help."

With that being said, he laughed loudly and walked away, meeting up with his friends who all laughed with him before exiting the school grounds.

Sighing to yourself, you just allowed your thoughts to slowly but surely consume you. It was true, everything he said about you. You were pretty much useless without a quirk.

"So what did you say to her/him?" One of Katsuki's friends asked as they came closer to the side of the school.

"I told Y/n to take a swandive off the school roof." Muttered Katsuki, now finding what he said completely unnecessary. Heck, he was basically telling you to commit suicide.

"Uhm... Katsuki..." His other friend muttered, sounding worried as the stared up at the side of the school.

With a roll of his eyes, Katsuki groaned, "What?"

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