✧~ You left, then I left |Pt 3| ~✧

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as i promised (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

[a few days later]

It was finally time for Katsuki to leave in order to go to the airport where he would soon fly to America for four years.

He was downstairs by himself checking through his things to make sure he had everything, but when he couldn't find his ID or licences, he cursed angrily under his breath and slammed his suitcase shut.

He had left them at his house.

With a groan, he left Kirishima's house immediately in order to grab the ID and licences.

Once at his front door (once again), he huffed and grabbed his keys before using them to open the door in a hurry.

Once the door was open, he immediately stepped in and slammed it shut, rushing upstairs to the bedroom where he remembered he left them.

Upon entering, his eyes widened in shock as he found the photo of him and Y/n that he placed face down on the cabinet a few days ago on the floor in front of him.

Raising an eyebrow, he crouched down and picked it up, shocked to see pieces of shattered glass falling from it. He came to the conclusion that Y/n had visited the house and did this because he then found a note stuck on the picture.

these broken pieces of glass resemble my heart- Y/n.

Katsuki felt tears brim in his eyes as he quickly put the photo back down and ripped up the note, throwing it onto the floor. That's when a painful sob emitted from his throat and he broke down right there on the bedroom floor, sitting on his knees as he grabbed harshly onto his hair, cold and salty tears streaming down his face.

His heart broke as he thought about Y/n and only Y/n. He thought about what he was about to do and where he was about to go to. He hasn't realised how much Y/n cared.

"I still love you..." He managed to choke out despite his lover not being able to hear him. He clutched onto his chest as pain could suddenly be felt from his heart.

"I'm so sorry..." Katsuki gasped, tears splattering all over the floor.

"All I ever wanted was to be good to you..." He whispered, his voice cracking after as more tears decided to roll down his cheeks, accompanied by many others.

Katsuki didn't even notice that the front door had opened to the house, following by footsteps downstairs.

Once Bakugou calmed down and managed to sort himself out, the ash blonde gulped and let out a shaky breath as he collected his ID and licences from his drawer.

Then, the pro hero walked out of the bedroom as he was unable to stay in there any longer. Plus, he had to get out of this house soon- all it would do is bring back more memories that would break him even more.

Bakugou had finally made his way down the stairs and was dumbfounded to see a familiar figure stood in the hallway, almost as if knowing he was here.

Not knowing what to say, Katsuki tried to brush past Y/n, but was instantly stopped as she/he swiftly grabbed ahold of his wrist, preventing him from walking any further.

The blonde haired male tensed up and turned around then looked down to see Y/n holding tightly onto his wrist, afraid to let him go again.

She/He was looking down at the floor as they were worried to meet Katsuki's deadly gaze.

"Why...?" Y/n suddenly wondered in a whisper.

"Why what?" Bakugou asked, trying to pull away from Y/n, but she/he grabbed onto him tighter, tears now falling down her/his cheeks which caused Katsuki's broken heart to break even more.

"Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts...? I've been so worried! Please, if I have done anything wrong, tell me! I will fix it. Just please, don't leave me! I can't stand to see you leave! I love you, Katsuki!" Y/n broke down, loud and broken sobs leaving her/his mouth.

"I..." Bakugou begun, trying his best not to cry as well upon seeing Y/n break down right in front of him.

Y/n continued to cry and she/he waited for a response from the ash blonde.

"I'm sorry..." Bakugou muttered, instantly grabbing the h/c haired girls/boys attention.

Y/n sniffled and looked up as Bakugou begun to talk.

"I'm really sorry, Y/n... I really am. I... Want to break up with you... I'm just not satisfied with the relationship me and you are in... I want to continue to chase my dreams of becoming the number one hero... And I can't really do that whilst trying to protect you as well... Again, I'm sorry." Bakugou breathed out, closing his eyes before tears could escape.

He turned around and Y/n gasped, letting go of Katsuki's wrist.

"Leave then. Just leave as if I was nothing, why don't you?" The girl/boy yelled in frustration, making Bakugou lower his head as he shuffled towards the door.

"Just leave as if you never even loved me..." Y/n whispered, a heart wrenching sob falling out from her/his lips as she/he faced away from her/his once lover.

Katsuki inhaled sharply as a few tears cassaded down his face. He looked back at Y/n who was shaking whilst sobbing into her/his hands.

The hero reached for the door handle and pulled it down before managing to open the door. He stepped out without saying goodbye and begun walking away. Away from his house as well as away from the person whom he still loved so much.

He was absolutely broken, but so was Y/n. They were both broken and both hurting eachother at the same time.

"FU**, I LOVE YOU GODDAMNIT!" Katsuki suddenly yelled out in the empty streets as his heart begun to hurt and cold tears fell out of his eyes and onto the pavement.

"... I love you... So damn much..." Y/n whispered from the house and clutched onto the picture which she/he had smashed due to anger and sadness.

Tears fell from her/his glossy eyes as she/he suddenly screamed a painful scream and threw the already broken picture at the wall. It was broken sure, but her/his heart was broken more.

*hands out tissues*


part 4 should be published either today or tomorrow.

i'm loving writing this even though i'm sobbing rn-


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