✧~ Late night cuddles ꒰ requested ꒱ ~✧

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this was requested!


you were pregnant and waiting for katsuki to come home from work so he could cuddle with you.


• this chapter contains a female reader! this also contains lots and lots of fluff.


• fluff ♡

enjoy ♡


It was a Wednesday night, meaning that your husband should be home very soon. He was a hard worker and often stayed on at work to do extra hours. Wednesday's were the days where he was on a late shift.

Before leaving in the afternoon, Katsuki had asked you to take a nap and get some rest since you seemed absolutely shattered. And he wasn't wrong, you did indeed need a nap and some rest. You haven't been getting much sleep lately due to stomach pains here and there. 

Carrying a child was hard to say the least. But you and your husband were trying very hard. Yes, you had to make some sacrifices here and there, but you were willing to do it for your child.

"Ugh..." A groan had left your lips as you felt a harsh kick from your stomach. This child sure was stubborn.

"Tch, you get it from your father. Don't you, little one?" You whispered, patting your stomach.

At this moment in time, you were sat down on the sofa, huddled in pillows and blankets. Since your husband wasn't here right now, this seemed to be the next-best option.

Another kick from your stomach was what caused you to jolt and peel your eyes open. Damn, how difficult was it to try and get at least some  sleep?

"Stop being a brat." You hissed, eyelids beginning to feel heavy once again.

Sometimes you wondered if this little child could actually hear you. Or were you just speaking to absolutely nothing? 

Shaking your head, you decided to attempt sleeping again until your husband came home from work. Surprisingly, your wish was granted.

The next time your eyes opened was to the sound of the front door closing. Slightly dazed, you fluttered your eyes open then yawned.

You figured that you had been asleep for at least an hour since your husband was now home.

Finally. You thought, a bright smile now painting your lips.

"Y/n," The familiar voice of the man you loved rang through your ears, "I'm home."

He never yelled when he arrived at home, surprisingly. He had done enough yelling at work. So when he arrived at home, he barely had a voice. Also, he didn't want to startle you. So, he kept with a little whisper.

"I'm in the living room." You responded loud enough so that he was able to hear from the hallway. You could hear the male slipping off his coat and shoes.

A few moments later, a male with ruffled ash blonde hair walked into the living room.

"Katsuki." You grinned.

He hummed, "Hey, Y/n."

The male walked closer before he crouched down and pressed a soft kiss onto your forehead.

"How was work?" Whispered you, watching as your husband plopped down on the sofa beside you.

However, with just one look at his exhausted and emotionless face, you could already tell he didn't have the best of days.

Knowing this, you leaned closer (with much effort) and placed one hand on his knee. Katsuki looked over at you then back at your hand placed on his knee.

"Didn't have a good day?"

Bakugou exhaled a breath he had been holding in for some time now. His day at work was horrible.

"No, I didn't." He answered then paused for a few seconds.

"Everyone was pissing me off. Shitty hair along with that damn need were being whiny bitche-"

Katsuki stopped mid-sentence. He saw the deadly glare you were giving him.

Shit, he thought, this can't be good.

"Shh, the baby might here you!" You whisper-yelled.

The ash blonde blinked at you a few times before chuckling, shaking his head as he did so.

"You're so stupid, Y/n."

"Shut up." Hissed you through gritted teeth.

"You know, if the kid's first words are cuss words... You have no idea how proud I would be." Bakugou explained, a sly smirk tugging at his lips.

Rolling your eyes, you could only scoff.

"Anyways... How has your day been? Did you get any rest?"

You looked towards your husband before feeling a warm hand envelope yours. Smiling, you casted your eyes downwards to see that Katsuki's large hand was encircled around yours.

"I did get some rest, actually. Although this little thing was being a brat. They kept kicking me."

Katsuki laughed then mumbled softly, "Ah, I wonder who they get that from."

You rolled your eyes for the second time that night. "Oh, I wonder."

The male heaved out a sigh before scooting closer to you.

"Do you want some cuddles?" He asked you, dipping his head down so that he was looking into your eyes.

Not needing to think about the answer, you swiftly nodded your head. The ash blonde immediately obliged, slipping his arms around your waist before ever-so-gently pulling you against his chest.

Closing your eyes, the familiar feeling of warmth and contentment rushes through your veins. This little act of affection never failed to paint a smile upon your face.

"Why are you so happy?" Questioned Katsuki, voice laced in amusement.

"I don't know..." Was all you mumbled, "I just love you."

Bakugou pressed a kiss onto your cheek before moving to the other cheek. Then he begun his mission of peppering little kisses all over your face, causing you to laugh softly and squirm in his grasp.

"K-Katsuki, stop-" You couldn't stop laughing.

"No, I won't stop."

This continued for a few more moments before the male eventually pulled away to allow you to breathe. Taking the opportunity as soon as it was granted, you gasped out for air then sighed in relief.

"I-I hate you."

Your husband smirked, leaning his chin on top of your head.

"Awh, I love you too, Y/n."

The night ended with you and your husband falling asleep on the sofa together, both tangled together and embracing each other.

There was nothing better than late night cuddles with the person whom you loved so much.


damn, i just made myself feel so single-

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