✧~ You left, then I left |Pt 2| ~✧

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here's part two...


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[the next day]


Bakugou had told Kirishima that he would be leaving his house while he went back to his house to pack all of his things so he was ready to go to the airport. Kirishima was unsure at first, but then agreed and that's when Bakugou left the house without saying anything in return.

Y/n won't be there, so I don't have to deal with anything stupid... He thought to himself as he arrived at the front door of his house.

The ash blonde hero grabbed his keys out and put them in the door in order to open it. Once open, he took the keys out and stepped inside with a small sigh, his eyes scanning around the hallway before closing the front door.

As he begun walking, he almost felt a bit sad that Y/n wasn't in the house. He still loved you, he loved you with all of his heart, but he was struggling to be a hero and make sure he was there for you at the same time.

Shaking his head to try and get the negative thoughts that were swarming in his head away, Katsuki grunted and shuffled his way up to his bedroom that he once used to share with Y/n.

As soon as he entered the room, a lump formed in his throat as his eyes landed on a picture of him and his lover, holding eachother with huge grins on their faces. Now, Katsuki was never the one to be happy or smile, but whenever he was with Y/n, that's all he did.

"I... Miss you..." Was all he whispered as he wandered over to the framed picture on the cabinet beside the bed before placing it face down so he wouldn't have to look at it again.

Bakugou reached under the bed and grabbed a suitcase before begining to pack all of the necessary items for his time in America.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
time skip...

Once Katsuki had finally finished packing his things, he grabbed his bags and suitcases and left the house that he once lived in with you.

He stopped at the steps leading to the front door and thought about you and his decision for a good few minutes, but then he decided that it would be for the best if he left. Besides, after he unleashed his anger out on you the other day, he doubted you wanted to see him anymore.

Oh, but he was so wrong.

You missed him terribly and it felt as if your heart was being stepped on as the seconds passed. It was torture not having him beside you.

Katsuki made it back to his friends house where he would stay until it was his time to leave for the airport.

Once Katsuki placed all of his belongings in the guest room, Kirishima called him downstairs as he needed and wanted to speak to him to understand everything and make sure he actually wanted to go to America.

"What do you want, shi*** hair?" Bakugou grumbled as he walked into the living room and plopped down on the sofa opposite Kirishima.

The red haired boy sighed and answered, "Are you sure you want to do all of this?"

That question made Bakugou raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He wondered.

"What I mean is," Kirishima begun, "Are you sure you want to go to America? Bearing in mind you will be there for four years."

There was silence between the two for a few minutes as Bakugou thought about his decision wisely, wanting to make sure he wasn't making any mistakes whatsoever.

"I'm sure." He replied simply.

Another sigh left Kirishima's mouth.
"Why don't you speak to Y/n about all of this? She/He won't even realize you're gone!"

"That's the whole point. Y/n doesn't need to know where I've gone. I doubt she/he even cares."

"Of course she/he does! They love you, Bakugou!" Explained Kirishima.

"Shut up, of course they don't. Not after what I did..." Grunted Bakugou.

"Just... Try and talk to her/him about all of this. Talk things through, it would be much better than just leaving without saying anything." Kirishima pleaded.

"No, I've made my decision and I'm going to America. I'm not talking things through because that would just make it worse. End of. I don't want to talk about this shi* again." Bakugou roared out in anger and walked out of the living room to the guest room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Kirishima gulped and sighed sadly, placing his head in his hands as he tried not to cry. All he ever wanted was to help his best friend, he didn't realize it would be this hard. The truth was, he really didn't want his friend to leave at all, and he hated seeing him so broken without you. He wanted the two of you to talk things through with eachother as it would hopefully be easier that was rather than Bakugou leaving without warning to America. And for four whole years.

Kirishima wasn't able to hold back his tears anymore. He sat with his head in his hands and shook as he sobbed, painful gasps leaving his throat.

He didn't know his best friend could hear him crying from upstairs.


It had been one hour, and Katsuki still hadn't gone downstairs to check on his friend who was sobbing uncontrollably earlier. Of course he felt bad, but he didn't want to interfere and thought that Kirishima needed some time alone to calm down and think. So that's why Bakugou decided to stay hidden in the guest room.

As he was in there for an hour, he came to the conclusion that he no longer wanted to be with Y/n. Of course she/he didn't do anything wrong, but the ash blonde was stressed and it wouldn't work out if he was all the way in America and there was no way of seeing the other. Bakugou still loved Y/n, of course he did and he wouldn't deny that but... He just couldn't do it anymore.

So he gave up their relationship without even telling Y/n they were over.

sorry it was short,
i had to stop it here as
it wouldn't really makes sense if i continued it on.

i hope you enjoyed this one.

part 3 should be published today, so look out for an update~


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