✧~ I've got you [request 7] ~✧

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this was requested by: Maydown2. thank you~

summary/note: before entering U.A, you used to get bullied at your last school. so when you decided to hang around with the bakusquad somewhere and see the people that used to bully you, bakugou gets angry and well... you'll have to wait and see ⚠️

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It was a warm summer's day and you were currently with Bakugou and his friends. You loved spending time with your boyfriend and his friends, they made you happy and feel accepted.

"CAN WE GO TO THE THEME PARK!?" Mina yelled loudly so that everyone could hear. Well, that ruined the peaceful atmosphere for everyone. Before she yelled, you were all laying down and relaxing on the grass, allowing the sun to shine on you, warming you all up.

Sero sat up and yawned, rubbing his eyes, "But the theme park is ages away..."

Mina pouted. "But I want to go. It's not like we have anything better to do, is it?"


"Mina's right," You started to talk, "We basically have nothing to do. Why not just go there?"

The others looked at eachother before nodding their heads, now sitting up on the grass.

"Just not the Ferris wheel, please. Knowing the two of you, you will probably kiss at the top. Everyone does it." Denki groaned.

You and Bakugou looked at the floor, embarrassed.

"We weren't going too..." You mumbled, however, you'd be lying if you said the idea didn't sound appealing.

"Can we go nowwwww?" Mina was huffing and whining.

"Mina shut the fu** up before I burn you to-" Bakugou begun, but you instantly slapped your hand over his mouth to prevent him from saying anything else.

Giving him a sharp glare, you hissed, "I think you should shut the fu** up as well."

After letting his mouth go, he just stared at you with a look of shock on his face, making you stifle a laugh.

"Thanks for saving my a** once again, Y/n." The pink haired alien cheered, leaning over to hug you. Smiling, you hugged her back. (honestly, i'm not even gonna lie. like im already gay but mina just makes me even more gay-)

"Should we go?" Kirishima asked. He had kept quiet the whole time as he just wanted to sleep.

"Yeah, let's go." Bakugou grumbled, getting up before lending a hand down towards you. Looking up at him, you took his hand and he hauled you up, your faces inches away from eachother.

"GET A ROOM!" Denki and Kirishima yelled, immediately startling you and your boyfriend; the two of you breaking away from eachother in embarrassment.

"Let's go~" Mina cheered happily, a smile dancing its way onto her face.

All of you begun to walk, you and Bakugou at the back, holding hands whilst enjoying eachother company.

"Y/n." He suddenly called to you, grabbing your attention.

"Yes?" You replied.

"When we have kids, can we bring them here?" He asked you, now turning his face towards you, a smirk tugging at his lips.

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