✧~ Prove it ꒰ requested ꒱ ~✧

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hello <3


• bakugou's classmates pressure the male into admitting that he has a crush on another fellow classmate,
y/n y/l/n. however, instead of admitting his obvious feelings, he denies them, speaking lowly of y/n in the process. what he didn't know, however, was that they were stood right behind him...


• small bit of angst with happy ending. fluff ♡


• a lot more cuss words than usual!


"Oh, come on, Bakugou. It's so obvious!"

"Shut up, shitty hair! I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about!"

"Excuse me? No swearing!"

"Shut up, Iida!"

Katsuki Bakugou was currently being swarmed by his classmates who all annoyed the fuck out of him. Nice, right? But why?

Well, to sum the situation up, the truth about the hot-headed ash blonde liking one of his classmates, Y/n Y/l/n had somehow spread all over U.A. Heck, even the teachers knew.

"Just admit it!" A yellow haired boy chimed, wiggling his eyebrows in a funky manner.

"Yeah!" The red head beside him agreed, copying the other with the eyebrow wiggling, "It's so damn obvious."

Katsuki groaned, gripping his hair harshly with his hands. Students really knew how to piss him off.

"Shut the fuck up, oh my god. I don't like them! Now could you just leave? All of you?" He hissed, fury evident in his sharp eyes that could easily cut you like a knife.

"Sorry, man. No can do!" Eijiro laughed, slinging his arm around his friend, only to get his arm shoved off followed by a grunt of disapproval.

"Fine. If all of you won't leave, then I will. Why are you all trying to get into my business anyways?" Katsuki grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets before storming off out the classroom.

Denki sighed to himself. "Is he ever going to admit that he likes Y/n...?"

Iida could only chuckle in amusement. "You're kidding me, right? This is Katsuki Bakugou we're talking about here."

"Don't worry, you guys. I will be sure to get it out of him." Kirishima promised, determination washed all over his face.

Denki and Iida exchanged uncertain glances.

"Sure, Eijiro... Whatever you say..."


Bakugou huffed, making his way outside. He squinted his eyes since the sun was practically gleaming in his face.

The ash blonde walked further, students passing him here and there.

It was then Katsuki felt a slap from the back of his head. Whoever did that was dead meat. Gritting his teeth, the male growled before immediately whipping his head around. Who he saw totally caught him off guard.

It was... Jirou?

"Hey." The girl mumbled, droopy eyes scanning up and down Katsuki's scruffy figure.

"Hi..." The male trailed off before he suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Why the fuck did you slap me?"

Jirou just smirked. "Why not?"

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