✧~ Cute pomeranian [request 9] ~✧

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this was requested by: Katsukidoll. thank you~

summary/note: you finally decide to go and adopt a dog because you have wanted one for a long time. after looking for ages, an absolutely adorable pomeranian immediately catches your attention. without wasting another second, you adopt it. what you didn't realize was that the adorable dog wasn't what it seemed at all ⚠️

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Currently, you were walking down the streets in order to get to the pet store. You had decided that it was time you get a friendly companion so your life wouldn't be so lonely. That friendly companion being a dog. Now, you had always wanted a cute dog to look after and play with but you had been so busy that you hadn't had the time to get one along with everything it needed. But finally the day came where you had finally managed to get everything and you weren't busy.

That was why you were feeling really happy today, walking down the streets with a smile on your face.

Upon entering, your eyes scanned around the store in awe, taking in how much stuff was there.

Eventually, a worker came up to you and asked, "Good morning, ma'am/sir. How may I help you?"

Turning to face them, you replied, "Good morning ma'am. I am looking for a dog."

The lady smiled and said, "Well you have come to the right place. Please, follow me."

And so, that's what you did. The lady led you to where they kept all of their dogs with good care.

You smiled at the sight of all of the happy dogs, jumping up as soon as they saw you, begging for you to take them home. And you would take every single one of them home if you could, but unfortunately your house was not big enough. Plus, you weren't really allowed to take all of them home despite how much you wanted too.

Walking around, you made sure to have a good look at all of the dogs, your smile never fading away.

"Ma'am/sir, are you looking for a specific breed?" The worker asked you, turning to look at you.

Thinking for a moment or two, you finally replied, "A small dog, but not too small."

She nodded and hummed before finally replying, "I have the perfect dog for you."

"You do?" You gasped, now eager to see what dog she was about to show you.

"Oh yes. He is absolutely adorable." She laughed, beckoning you to follow her once again, and so, you did. The two of you walked for a little bit longer until she stopped at a tiny orange and white kennel.

"He's in here." She whispered before kneeling down. You watched closely as she managed to call the dog out, and what you saw took absolutely everything not to squeal.

There, right in front of you on a mat was the most cutest fluff ball you've ever seen in your entire life. The dog was extremely fluffy, which you loved and had soft, red eyes.

"Here he is." She smiled at you. "Do you like him?"

"No," You answered, "I love him!"

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