✧~ Met you in the test [request 12] ~✧

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this was requested by: @sakura-goddess-13. thank you~

summary/note: you have two element quirks, sort of like todoroki. you two are very similar and just so happen to be very best friends ever since childhood. you also have a knowledge quirk and with just one look at someone, you can tell what their quirk is and their fighting style. one day, you were partnered with katsuki to do a quirk test in order to see if any of your quirks had improved and he was so confident that he would beat you. he thought of you as weak because he had never acknowledged you before despite you being in the same class as him. you thought he was going to beat you, but... ⚠️

a/n: also, if you don't know already, i have just started a bakugou x reader book so if you would like, you could go and read it, it would be highly appreciated. but, of course, you don't have too. thank you for your time and enjoy this chapter.

(requests are almost finished)

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"Y/n, I came here to tell you something." You heard a voice call out to you, making you turn around.

You were just putting your books and bag away in your dorm before closing the door.

"Shoto?" You questioned as you saw him walking over to you, a serious expression on his face as always.

"Hello." He greeted as he finally approached you, an adorable smile lighting up his face, immediately causing you to smile too. His smile was contagious.

"Hi. What did you come here to tell me?" You responded, looking up at him.

"Oh. Well, Aizawa said we have a quirk test again." Todoroki informed.

"Really?" You groaned. You felt tired and did not feel like doing a quirk test at all.

"Yes. I also know who you are partnered with." The tall male in front of you replied, looking down at you.

"Who?" You asked eagerly.

"..." Todoroki was silent.

"Please tell me." You pleaded, shaking his arm just to annoy him.

He chuckled then asked for you to let go of his arm, so you obliged and stopped holding his arm.

"You're partnered with Katsuki Bakugou."

"Huh? Please tell me I heard that wrong. Bakugou?" You questioned with wide eyes.

Katsuki Bakugou... The student that could possibly blow up the whole school if he wished too?

"Yes, Bakugou." Shoto sighed.

"I have no change against him!" You exclaimed.

"When you think about it," Todoroki begun, "You do. Your quirk is similar to his. Technically you have three."

You had two element quirks and a knowledge quirk that definitely came in handy. The two element quirks you had were water and fire.

"It's just... He could kill me if he wanted too." You mumbled with a frown etched across your face.

"He wouldn't kill you. I wouldn't let him." Your best friend said with a supportive smile as he placed a hand on your shoulder to let you know he was always there for you no matter what.

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