✧~ Soulmates [request 30] ~✧

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this was requested by: _kookies-and-kream_. thank you~

summary/note: you turn 17 and once a person has turned 17, they are destined to meet their soulmate. soulmates are able to talk to each other through their minds even if they haven't met each other. so, on that one fateful day, you find your soulmate. ⚠️

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(sorry, i thought the gif was cute)

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(sorry, i thought the gif was cute)

Birds chirping and singing beautiful melodies outside along with the calm whistle of the cool breeze were what woke you up from your slumber. Yawning, you rubbed your eyes then slowly sat up in your bed, stretching your limbs in the process.

Reaching out to grab your phone, you saw that the time was (what time you usually wake up)

But then, something clicked.

You gasped when you remembered that...

It was your birthday. In fact, it was the most important birthday out of all of them. It was your seventeenth birthday, to be exact.

This spiked your excitement more as you quickly hopped out of bed before walking over your bedroom door to open it.

Whenever a person turned seventeen, they were destined to find their soulmate sooner or later. Despite them not actually meeting, they could talk to each other through their minds. You will meet your soulmate naturally one day, it was bound to happen.

Walking down the stairs, you chuckled at your parents attempt to put some decorations up. Not many, but a few.

Shuffling towards the living room, you could just about make out some chatters.

"I can't believe Y/n's already seventeen..."

"I know. It seemed like only yesterday they were a baby."

"They're going to find their soulmate soon. Oh, I'm not ready!"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one. I'm not ready either."

A smile on your face, you entered the living room only to see your parents sat down on the sofa, talking to each other.

As soon as they heard you walk in, they shot up and practically ran towards you, scooping you up in a warm, loving hug. (can't relate-)

You chuckled as they basically squeezed the death out of you. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally let you go, your feet finding purchase on the floor once again.

"Morning, Y/n." Your mother/father spoke.

"Morning, mum/dad." You answered.

"We can't believe you're already seventeen, dear." You turned your head to face your mother/father who was stood next to your other parent.

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