✧~ Soft mood ~✧

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a/n: i live for that picture.

i decided to treat you all to a fluffy chapter since the last two have been angst. please enjoy.


• bakugou and you are having a lazy day at home. the certain ash blonde begins to feel clingy and is in an unusually soft mood.


• fluff, fluff and more fluff ♡


Soft sensations shot through your skin, seemingly leaving tingles here and there. A soft groan had managed to slip past your lips as you rolled over, sighing in contentment at the feeling of the soft bed sheets hugging your cold body.

The little sensations came once again, however this time, they were being planted on your cheek. Another groan pulled from you.

"Leave me alone..." The tired voice of you mumbled, trying to shake away the person who was peppering soft little kisses onto your cheek.

The male who was awake beside you chuckled, voice deep and husky as he had just woken up a few minutes ago. Hearing the attractive voice caused your face to heat up, despite you pretending to still be asleep.

"I know you're awake, baby." A hushed whisper beside your ear was what caused your eyes to shoot open and a slight squeal to escape your lips.

Now sitting up in bed, you regained your breath before shooting glares at a familiar ash blonde smirking at you. He was still laying down in bed, resting his face on one of his arms for support.

"W-What was that for?" You spluttered, face turning all shades of red.

"To wake you up. Looks like it worked." Katsuki announced with a sly smirk upon noticing your embarrassed expression.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes then hopped out of bed.

The male whined, causing you to turn your head towards him, eyebrows raised.


"Can't you stay here with me?" He mumbled, a little pout jutting out of his lips, "I want cuddles."

Seeing the love of your life look like an adorable, pouty little baby pulled tonnes of coos from you. It was a very rare sight, so whenever you got the chance to see it, you never failed to savour it.

"But Katsuki-"

"No~" Another little whine interrupted you.

Just, how the hell were you supposed to say no to this adorable being that you were somehow blessed with?

"Okay, fine. But only for a bit." Sighing, you clambered back into the bed, warmth instantly surrounding you.

Katsuki smiled gratefully, watching as you shuffled closer to him. Then, he reached out before slipping his strong arms around your waist.

A smile danced it's way onto your lips. Then, you felt yourself fall backwards until you hit the broad chest of someone.

Katsuki tightened his grip on your waist before hauling you onto his lap, shocking you in the process.

He chuckled deeply before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

He heard your breath hitch in your throat at the feeling of his soft lips gently brushing against your smooth skin.

"What's gotten into you?" You whisper softly.

Bakugou lifted his head up in order to lean his chin on your shoulder, continuing the action of hugging you from behind.

"I just want cuddles." He mumbled with a small pout.

"You're adorable."

"Tsk, no I'm not."

You frowned. "Uhm, yes you are."

The ash blonde sighed deeply, giving into you. He knew that he wasn't going to win anytime soon.

"Fine." He grumbled, pink hues dusting along his cheeks.

"Why are you in such a soft mood? I mean, I'm not complaining at all, I actually like it. But you never act like this."

Bakugou huffed then hid his red face into your shoulder, pulling you closer to his body.

"I-I just love you..." He mumbled softly, hoping you didn't hear.

Of course, you did hear him. However, you wanted to tease him. After all, it was usually him who was teasing you.

Time for a bit of payback.

Somehow, you managed to shimmy yourself out of your lover's grasp. He furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion and looked up.

As he did so, you were able to decipher the obvious pink tint that sat on his cheeks, spreading across his face.

He was flustered. How adorable.

"Awh," You cooed, "Look at you. Blushing because of me, hmm?"

Bakugou whined in annoyance, soon covering up his face with both hands.

"N-No. Tsk, a-as if." He stuttered.

A smirk tugged at your lips and you soon found yourself leaning towards the shy male. Next, you gently peeled his hands away from his face, only to see that his blush was still sat there.

"Are you sure? Because it seems to me as if I'm making you embarrassed~"

That's when Katsuki snapped. He wasn't supposed to be getting teased by you.

He was supposed to be the one to tease you.

A deep growl ripped from the male's throat, shocking you slightly. He then launched forward before grabbing ahold of both of your wrists tightly, large hands encircling around them.

You didn't even have time to think, being pushed downwards until your back came in contact with the bed below.

"Katsuki, what are you-"

"Shh," The male now towering above you spoke, voice breathless and husky. His tone of voice sent shivers shooting down your spine.

The male then leaned in closely, locking eyes with you. The stare was intense, the longing to be close to one another increasing rapidly as the seconds ticked by.

In that moment, you felt warm breath brush against your slightly parted lips. Katsuki smirked, noticing that your face was heating up from the close proximity.

"I should be the one teasing you..." He growled, bringing his lips up to your ear.

"N-Not fair..." You huffed, cursing under your breath for stuttering.

"Oh baby. You know I don't play fair."

What happened next came as a shock to you.

Bakugou's large hands caressed your waist softly, tingles and sparks flying throughout your body until he reached your stomach.

And that's where he begun.

The ash blonde begun swiftly begun tickling you, knowing all of the places to make you laugh until you were a sobbing mess.

He watched you squirm, laugh loudly and gasp for breath underneath him. He chuckled fondly, continuing his actions.

"K-Katsuki- s-stop! Ah! P-Please-" Begged you, now rolling around the bed in laughter.

The said male sighed but stopped his actions. You heaved for breath and wiped away your tears of laughter.

"That's it. You're getting it now."

Bakugou watched with wide eyes as you sat up then flung yourself at him, beginning to tickle him.

"I. Love. You." You said between kisses and little tickles, you peppering the kisses all over his face.

Your lover laughed loudly, the sound music to your ears.

"I-I love you too, Y-Y/n."

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