✧~ Soft mornings ~✧

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i came up with a cute, fluffy chapter. i will try my best, so enjoy.

summary/note: it was another soft morning for you and your husband. ⚠️

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It was a warm, Sunday morning for you at home

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It was a warm, Sunday morning for you at home. You were downstairs cooking pancakes for breakfast whilst your husband was still in bed sleeping since he had to work late last night.

Well, that's what you thought. However, you were proved wrong when a pair of strong, warm arms had managed to wrap around your waist from behind.

You gasped and almost jumped out of your skin. Sighing when you realised it was Katsuki, you swatted his hands.

"Katsuki! You scared me." You told him.

He chuckled, now leaning his head on your shoulder, pressing his body against yours as he hugged you tightly from behind.

"I know. I love scaring you." He admitted, his voice deep and husky from sleep which caused you to gulp and shiver.

You said nothing, but continued to cook the stack of pancakes.

Your husband then noticed what you were cooking. He smiled softly to himself. "Pancakes?"

You grinned. "Yes."

His grip on your waist tightened before he pressed a kiss onto your cheek which made a small smile light up your face.

"I love you." The ash blonde told you suddenly, startling you.

"I love you too." You replied without hesitation.

The male yawned out before setting you free of his grip.

"I'm going to go into the living room." He then told you.

You nodded your head. "Okay. I'll bring these in when I'm done."

He smirked at you, stopping at the doorway that lead to the hallway.

"Don't burn them."

"Idiot." You chuckled, hearing him laugh softly before dissapearing into the living room.

A few minutes later, you had completed making the stack of pancakes for you and your husband. You placed the finished product onto plates before swivelling around. Then, you made your way to the living room.

Upon entering, your eyes landed on a familiar figure sat down on the sofa, looking bored as he blankly stared at the TV.

Now walking over to him, you bent down slightly then handed him a plate. He looked up at you for a few seconds before taking the plate in his hands.

"Thanks." He muttered, digging into the food as you sat down on the sofa next to him.

The two of you begun to eat the pancakes, and you must admit, they were pretty good.

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