✧~ Mind reader |Pt 2| ~✧

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( ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ‘ᴍɪɴᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ’ )

ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ғʟᴜғғ ♡


As you finally made it to your seat, you quickly sat down and leaned your head on your hands.

You could feel everyone's eyes on you, which made you gulp.

Then, you averted your gaze to a certain blonde haired male that you just so happened to have a crush on for a while now. At first, you were confused with your own feelings but as the days passed, they just seemed to be getting stronger towards him. Despite him putting on a front to try and protect himself, you knew how much of a softie he was and it warmed your heart.

You didn't even realise that you were looking into his eyes until he narrowed his ruby red eyes at you. With a quick gulp, you swiftly moved your gaze somewhere else. It was then you felt your cheeks warm up slightly.


Currently, you were walking outside since inside was mostly filled up with students. However, you didn't really mind the outside. It cleared your mind. And that was what you needed right now.

It was then you remembered that Aizawa had asked to see you after class. With wide eyes and a heart now thumping in your chest, you rushed back inside, completely forgetting the fact that you haven't eaten anything or drunk anything.

Once inside, you immediately rushed to your classroom when you suddenly bumped into something- or someone.

"Oi, watch where your going." The familiar voice said sternly, anger rushing through it.

In one swift motion, you moved your head to look up at the person who's chest you just so happened to of ran into.

"I'm sorry." You muttered quickly with a bow, you were about to scurry away but the certain blonde haired male grabbed your wrist, preventing you from doing so.

"Listen, I really need to-" You started, however he cut you off with a sharp glare before beginning to talk.

"Shut up and let me talk." He hissed, making you glare at him.

"Hurry up." You whispered in annoyance.

He only rolled his eyes at you. "In class..." He begun.

Your eyes trailed down to his hand that still gently had ahold of your wrist, preventing you from rushing away.

Then, you moved your eyes back up to look into his red orbs that layed before your e/c eyes.

"What about it?" You asked in a whisper.

Bakugou looked around the corridors to find that they were completely empty. He then decided to pull you into a corner.

Now you were pressed up against a wall as both of his hands were on the wall beside your head, caging you so that you wouldn't escape from him.

He leaned in closer, so close that you could actually feel his warm breath fanning against your lips.

He just stayed there for a moment, a smirk dawned on his face.

Bakugou then moved his head upwards slightly, so that his mouth lingered by your ear. His warm breath brushed against the lobe of your ear as well as behind it, sending shivers racing down your spine in an instant.

"You can read minds?" He asked in hushed tone (his mouth still by your ear), which surprised you because his voice was usually quite aggressive.

"I can." You managed to reply in a whisper.

"So you can read what absolutely everyone is thinking?" He asked, moving his mouth closer to your ear if that was even possible. If he moved any closer, his delectable lips would surely brush against your ear.

"Yes." You replied calmly, which was a total contrast to what you were actually feeling.

"So you know what I think?" He whispered in a tone that you had never heard before. It made you weak to the knees but you somehow managed to stay standing up.

"I do." You answered.

"So you can't stop even if you wanted too?" He asked you.

"Nope..." You whispered, frowning slightly. Then, you shook your head, "Anyway, why are you asking me so many questions?"

Bakugou growled lowly in your ear, making your knees fall weak once again. If he carried on, you would surely collapse.

"Because I find you very intriguing, idiot..." He whispered, his mouth extremely close to your ear.

"Oh do you?" You asked.

"I do. And I don't know why... I don't like this feeling." He admitted.

"Hm? What feeling?" You hummed as he pulled away to look into your eyes.

You swore for a second you could see hints of pink dusted along Bakugou's cheeks, but unfortunately that soon vanished.

"When I'm around you or when I look at you my heart feels weird," He admitted, now looking anywhere else but your eyes, afraid of what you will think of him. He wasn't really good when it came to his heart or feelings, "Your so nice to people, and I admire that. You are very pretty... And... Damnit I'll just bloody say it. I love you."

Your eyes widened at his sudden confession. Heat crept onto your cheeks as his eyes finally decided to search for yours.

"You... Love me?" You asked in a whisper.

"Yes, you idiot." Bakugou growled.

This made you chuckle, "Well I love you too."

He had a shocked expression on his face, "You... Do? Me? Are you sure?"

You nodded, "Yes, you. And I am sure. I have been for a while."

Bakugou tried his best to smile at you, but when that failed he just gave in and took his hands away from the wall, slipping them around your waist instead.

You blushed as Bakugou pulled you closer to him, his chin resting on your head. He was hugging you protectively: almost as if someone would steal you from him, which he of course wouldn't allow.

"Listen, I know I am not good when it comes to my feelings, but I will try for you. Because I know one thing, Y/n. I love you. A lot." Bakugou whispered.

You smiled, "I love you too, Bakugou."

But he just had to ruin the moment, didn't he?

"Just try not to read my mind again, you pervert."

"Bakugou! I can't help it!"

He just laughed and hugged you tighter, placing a kiss on your lips to shut you up.

no more parts.

oh my god...

i am not happy with how this
turned out at all,
i am so sorry to disappoint you all.


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