✧~ It Doesn't matter [request 25] ~✧

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hello i am back again. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

this was requested by: NovaFrieza. thank you~

summary/note: you and katsuki were dating and you got bullied for being a bit chubby. but don't worry because katsuki was there to sort them out. 😌⚠️

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It was a Monday morning which meant that absolutely no one (including yourself) was motivated to do work or in a good mood

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It was a Monday morning which meant that absolutely no one (including yourself) was motivated to do work or in a good mood. Monday's were the worst as the day seemed to drag on FOREVER and the lessons drained ALL of your energy. (description of my school life and monday’s for me-)

Currently, you were walking through the corridors in order to get to your next lesson. You know, not bothering anyone at all, wanting to scurry away before someone saw you.

The truth was, people in your class and in other classes would bully you because of your weight. It made you laugh because it really didn't matter how much you weighed. You were a human. Sure, not everyone is the same, but- it's okay to be different, your differences make you stand out.

Besides, you weren't even fat! Sure, you were a tiny bit chubby. But that's all. However, people still saw you as a target to bully. And what did you do? Sometimes brushed it off and ignored them, but if they made you angry you would be sure to teach them a lesson afterwards.

Unfortunately, two people spotted you straight (gay) away and snickered to each other which caused you to groan in annoyance. You just wanted to walk in peace to your lesson, why was that so hard to do?

"Hi, Y/n~" A girl sang in a sickly sweet voice which almost made you throw up.

Spinning around on the heels of your feet, you were faced with two girls who had a tonne of makeup slapped onto their ugly faces. That was accompanied with fake tan that made them look like they were oranges. (accurate description of people at my school .-.)

"Hi?" You responded.

"I can't get anywhere," The other girl laughed, "You're blocking up the whole corridor because you're so fat."

This caused you to scoff. "At least I don't look like an orange. God, what on earth was you trying to accomplish?"

The two girls stared wide-eyed at you with their mouths agape.

"How dare you!" They roared, eyes now narrowing as they glared daggers at you.

"What? I was just telling you the truth." You sighed.

"Not only are you fat, you're so rude!" The first girl exclaimed angrily.

"It's okay to be rude sometimes. If you use your anger wisely. Like I'm doing right now, I'm using my anger wisely." You commented with a small smirk tugging at your lips.

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