✧~ Stay ꒰ requested ꒱ ~✧

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• katsuki was walking y/n home after school one day only to find that no one was in the house.


• small bit of angst with fluff ♡


"Come on, Y/n."

The said person hummed, turned around, then smiled. That deep yet smooth and velvety voice would never get old.

Katsuki Bakugou and Y/n Y/l/n were just two normal school students who were dating each other. They liked to walk together and discuss their future on their ventures home. It was a nice feeling.

Today was no different: the couple were currently meeting with each other to walk home.

Y/n's home life was quite the opposite to their boyfriend's. Katsuki had both of his parents who loved him unconditionally at home whereas Y/n only had their mother who didn't love them at all. She blamed Y/n for the sudden disappearance of their father.

Y/n's father had walked out of the family home one day and had never returned. Y/n wasn't really affected since they never liked their abusive father, but of course, their mother was very affected for she had just lost her husband.

"Are you ready to go?" The voice of the male tugged you out of your thoughts. A small smile dancing onto your lips, you smiled.

"Mhm. I'm ready."

And with that, Katsuki weaved his fingers together with yours and you were now walking out of the school grounds.


Ten minutes later, the two of you were wandering hand-in-hand through a park. Various squeals and chatters from children and adults filled your ears. The warm breeze brushed against your faces and the leafs on the trees swayed smoothly in the breeze. Closing your eyes, you exhaled slowly, embracing this feeling: it was a lovely feeling.

"Y/n." It was Katsuki's voice that tugged you out of your thoughts for a moment.

"Yes?" You responded.

"When we leave school... Can you honestly see living the rest of your life with me?"

A huge grin formed on your lips as you nodded your head almost immediately. Yes, you really could see the rest of your life with the hot-headed ash blonde.

"I can, yes. But can you honestly see living the rest of your life with me?"

Katsuki glanced over at you, a chuckle following shortly after. He nodded. "Yes. Yes, I can."

Leaning your head on the males shoulder, you hummed. "Good. Because you're stuck with me."

It was a peaceful walk back to your house until you felt your nerves begin to grow. With every step you took, your legs turned to jelly.

The male beside you seemed to notice, so he quirked an eyebrow.

"Everything okay?"


Taking a deep breath, you stumbled up the small steps leading to your front door before whipping out your keys from your pocket. Now opening the door, you stepped inside.

"Mother... I'm home..." You mumbled.

There was no response. Usually there would be a sigh, grunt or a yell.

But today there was none of that.

"Maybe she's out...?" You whispered to yourself. Turning around, you saw Katsuki stood at your doorstep, looking inside.

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