✧~ Love you for you ꒰ requested ꒱ ~✧

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sorry for not updating in awhile. i lost motivation and school had been keeping me busy.

however, i'm back now.

this chapter was requested. please enjoy.


• you start feeling insecure about yourself because you're blind. however, your lover is there by your side to help you.


• a tiny bit of angst. the rest is fluff ♡


"Uh... Katsuki?"

"Hang on."

It was a Sunday evening and you and your lover were at home, preparing dinner. Katsuki always cooked for obvious reasons, but you decided that you wanted to try. No, you were determined to try and cook.

Just because you were blind, you weren't going to let that stop you from doing things that people with vision could accomplish.

When you told your lover that you wished to cook tonight, he appeared a little hesitant. Soon, you and him came to an agreement that he would help you.

The ash blonde was currently taking a call from work, so you dared not to touch anything. Instead, you just stood there and patiently waited until you could hear the males footsteps walk into the kitchen.

A smile painted your lips as you heard the pitter patter of footsteps surround the room. Before you knew it, strong arms had hooked themselves around your waist, causing a small shriek or surprise to escape your lips.

The male holding you chuckled, hauling you up in order to spin you around once. Laughing, you clung onto him for dear life — unfortunately, you never knew with Katsuki. One minute he could be so gentle and then the next he could be the reason why a dead body would be lying next to him.

Eventually, the ash blonde placed you down then spun you around by your shoulders so that you were facing him.

"What was the call about?" Questioned you with one eyebrow raised.

Bakugou narrowed his eyes before a short huff blew out from his lips.

"My boss was just asking me to work extra hours next week, that's all." He muttered.

"What? Why?"

"Because one of my colleagues has been injured and I need to take over for him. I don't mind though, his job's easy enough."

"Oh... I hope they get better."

"Mh. So do I."

Katsuki quickly peered over your shoulder to see different ingredients scattered all over the counter just like they were before he had received the call from his boss. Smiling, the male gently spun you around before guiding you towards the counter.

"Sorry my call took so long, baby." A raspy whisper beside your ear was what caused your face to heat up. Red tinted your cheeks and your heartbeat increased.

"I-It doesn't matter."

The ash blonde hummed lowly. Next, he placed his hands in yours, basically back-hugging you. Not that you minded though: back hugs were your favourite. Especially when your boyfriend was giving them to you.

"Are you ready to do some cooking, Y/n?"




Honestly, you had no idea what to reply with. Were you actually ready to do some cooking? It was hardly you doing anything, it was all Bakugou. You weren't actually being helpful.

A small sigh pushed past your lips as your emotionless eyes drooped along with your posture. Your boyfriend seemed to notice this too. He was able to sense when something was wrong with you.

"Hey, Y/n. What's the matter, hm?"

"I-I don't think I should do the cooking, Katsuki..."

The said male raised an eyebrow then spun you around by your shoulders once again.

"Why not? You were so excited to cook when you asked me if you were able too."

You said nothing for a few seconds. All you could do was stand there.

"I can't do anything..." Muttered you angrily.

Being blind really frustrated you. All you longed for was to see again. All you longed for was your vision. You longed to see your lover, your friends, your family all again. Being blind also restricted the activities you were able to do. It made you feel sort of useless.

Bakugou sucked in a quick breath before bending down to press a little kiss onto your forehead.

"Come on, Y/n. Let's forget about the cooking for a moment, yeah? Let's go and talk." He suggested in a soft, calm voice.

Humming, you ended up agreeing with your lover since you nodded your head.

The ash blonde took you by both of your hands then guided you into the living room. Once there, he edged you slowly towards the sofa where you eventually sat down. Katsuki then sat next to you, taking both of your hands in his once again.

"What's bothering you, baby?" Asked the male, rubbing comforting circles on your knuckles using the pads of his thumbs.

A sigh heaved from your lips as you looked down. Well, you believed that you were looking down.

"I can't really do anything," You mumbled, "I feel like you do everything; you clean the house, you always manage to help me even when you're busy... And I... I just don't do anything."

The male sat beside you hummed and nodded his head. He understood where you were coming from and understood why you were having these doubts. But you couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't your fault you were blind.

"Y/n, listen to me." His voice travelled through your ears once more.

Your head perked up and you hummed softly to indicate that you were paying attention.

"You do a lot of things. It amazes me actually. In fact, you don't need sight to do a lot of things. It's your your fault that you're blind and it can't really be helped. I'm always willing to help you and quite frankly, I don't care about how busy I am — I will always have time for you."

You couldn't help the beaming smile that lit up your face. A small laugh left your lips and you felt around with your hands before flinging your arms around your lover tightly.

Katsuki chuckled then secured his arms around your waist, smiling widely.

"Thank you, Katsuki. I love you."

The male hummed before pressing a kiss onto your forehead.

"You're welcome, Y/n. I just love you for you."

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