✧~ Cute pomeranian |Pt 2| ~✧

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okay, i felt like being nice to all of you and giving you a part 2. you're welcome ♡


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To say you were shocked would be an understatement. You were absolutely speechless.

"Sorry for scaring you." The do- man chuckled with a huge smirk plastered across his face.

"I..." Your voice trailed off, it was then you begun to panic as a question crossed your mind.

"Are you wearing any clothes!?" You shrieked, now scooting to the edge of the bed to get away from him just incase he wasn't.

He laughed at your reaction and question. "Out of all the questions you could've asked me, you asked me that?"

"It's important." You huffed, trying your best to defend yourself.

"Well, to answer your question, yes I am." He sighed, taking your covers off of him to reveal that he was indeed wearing clothes. A plain, white shirt and black shorts.

"Oh..." You whispered. The situation was still sinking in to you. You had no clue what to do. All you did was bought an adorable, fluffy pomeranian only to find out that it can actually turn into a hot, ash blonde man.

"Listen, whilst you collect your thoughts, do you want me to make you breakfast? It's the least I could do since you were the one that took me and decided to take care of me." The male informed, now standing up.

"Wait." You called out, just as he was about to exit your bedroom.

"Yes?" He hummed, turning back around to look at you.

"What's your name?" You asked, now looking into his firey, red eyes.

He smirked at you and responded, "You'll have to wait, stranger."

After he said that, he left the room, again, leaving you speechless.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
time skip...

After getting ready, you made your way downstairs, an amazing smell filling the house.

Smiling, you made your way into the kitchen to see the male with ash blonde hair cooking a fry up.

"Hi." You yelled over the saucepans and sounds of the stove.

"Hey." He replied to you, raising his voice slightly.

"Fry up?" You questioned, walking next to him as you watched him in awe.

"Yeah. Do you like fry ups?"

"I do." You replied.

"Good. Because this will surely be the best you've ever tasted." He muttered.

"Can't wait." You chuckled, nudging his side before walking into your living room to sit down and wait.

A few moments later, you looked up upon seeing the certain male walking in with two trays of food. He placed one down carefully on your coffee table and then stood in front of you, bowing as he presented you with your dish.

"For the lovely lady/man."

Blushing, you thanked him and took the tray of delicious looking food from his hands before placing it on your lap.

The male went to collect his tray of food before having a seat next to you.

After taking a forkful of food, your eyes widened in shock at how delicious it tasted.

"You like it?" He asked you as he watched your reaction with an amused look.

"I love it. It's delicious." You answered after finishing your mouthful.

"I'm glad to hear that. Eat up, stranger." The man next to you chuckled.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
time skip...
(again, sorry xd)

After the delicious breakfast, your... Dog and you agreed to have a talk in your living room after washing up the dishes.

Once finally finished, both of you walked into your living room and sat down on your sofa, both of you facing eachother with serious looks on your faces.

"Start talking." You ordered to which he breathed in and nodded his head.

"Okay, it's a bit complicated... And I understand if you don't believe me." He begun.

This made you laugh, "Oh, I'm sure I will believe you. Hell, you can turn into a freaking human from a dog. Like what the fu**?"

He just looked into your e/c eyes and begun to explain, "So... Yes, I am a dog. But I'm also a human. I... Am both. Because of this, I am able to transform from a dog to a human of a human to a dog whenever I want too or need too. I can't really go into detail about how im able to but just know this: I'm both dog and human, and I am so so thankful that you took me in and cared for me."

You listened to everything he said and nodded, absorbing every single bit of information you can.

"I... See." Was all you whispered, it all kind of made sense now.

"Sorry... I bet you just wanted a normal dog." The male said, now looking a bit upset.

"Are you kidding me? The reason I didn't take you back when you asked me to was because... Well... You are absolutely amazing! It's not every day a dog can turn into a human and vise versa. Honestly, you are probably the best thing that's ever happened to me." You explained happily.

The man looked at you and smiled. "Thanks..."

"So... Please, can you tell me your name?" You pleaded, moving closer to him.

Sighing, he nodded and replied, "Only if you tell me yours after, stranger."

"I will." You answered.

He nodded and stated clearly, "My name is Katsuki Bakugou."

You smiled. The name seemed to suit him really well.

"And my name is Y/n Y/l/n."

After that, a beautiful friendship was born and who knows? It could of gone on to be something more.

im sorry this was so rubbish,
i wrote this after crying for ages.

sorry if you didn't enjoy, i understand if you didn't.

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