✧~ Mind reader ~✧

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sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴍɪɴᴅs.

ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ғʟᴜғғ ♡

two chapters in one day?
plz be proud of me ._.


Reading minds. Seems impossible, right? Like reading the person's exact thoughts. It is impossible.

Well, that's what everyone thought. That was until you came.

Yes, you. Y/n Y/l/n. A girl who had the ability to read minds whenever she was near people.

Unfortunately, the girl couldn't choose when she wanted to read people's thoughts or not.

The girl was cursed.

Yes, you all read that right, cursed.

By her own mother.

How? Well, the girl has never said. She hasn't even spoken to anyone in U.A before.

She's always the person in the class who chooses to sit at the back and keep quiet. But it's awfully hard for her to concentrate when millions of thoughts from all of her classmates are spiralling around in her head.

The girl, however caught the attention of a familiar blonde, spiky haired boy in her class. She seemed mysterious to him, and he was attracted to her in a way that he had never been attracted to someone else before.

What he didn't realise was that she could read every single thought he had about her (no, not like that you dirty minded people), and she found it amusing.

Not many people in U.A or her class knew about her quirk as she had never said or been seen using it before.


"Y/n, please come up and tell us about your quirk."


Just now, you had been asked by your homeroom teacher, Aizawa to come up in front of the class and tell them about your quirk.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no. You thought, gulping as your nerves increased.

"Come up." Aizawa ordered.

You felt everyone's eyes on you. Not only that, but you could hear what they were thinking about you.


Why won't she stand up?

Is she scared?

What's wrong with her?

Is she shy?

Why does she never talk...?

Those were only some of the thoughts you heard.

Trying your best to push them away, you sucked in a deep breath and decided to slowly arise from your seat (which was at the back of the classroom), and make your way towards the front.

Your heart was hammering in your chest and your palms were sweaty.

Literally everyone in the class gasped, including Bakugou, who just so happened to be your crush.

You weren't sure at first, but the more times you read his mind and the more times your eyes just so happened to land on him, your heart would flutter in your chest, and then you couldn't stop thinking about him. And this went on for a while until you were sure with what your feelings really were.

"Thank you for coming up, Y/n." Aizawa said, trying his best to smile at you which calmed your nerves a little bit.

"So, tell us about your quirk." He then commanded after.

"I..." Your voice trailed off as your eyes scanned over every single person in the classroom.

You gulped as you found all of their eyes on you and nothing else. Almost as if waiting for you to explain.

"Come on, Y/n. Don't be afraid." Aizawa reassured you.

You took a deep breath and explained, "Well... My quirk is..."

Your voice decided to be annoying and trail off again. What really caught you off guard was that everyone in the classroom was practically leaning on the edges of their seats, the tension of what you were going to say next suddenly becoming too much for them to handle.

It also didn't help when you could hear absolutely everyone's thoughts.

"Myquirkistoreadminds." You blabbered quickly, making everyone raise an eyebrow in utter confusion.

"Sorry, Y/n. Just slow down a bit, okay?" Aizawa whispered, to which you only nodded.

"My quirk is too... Read minds... And unfortunately I can't choose if I would like to hear them or not because I'm... Cursed..." You exclaimed, whispering the last bit. However, your homeroom teacher heard and tensed up a little.

Mutters filled the classroom and your nerves only grew.

"Well... Is that a good quirk or not?" Aizawa announced.

The class then turned to face you and smiled, nodding, making a small smile tug at your lips.

As you were about to sit down, people were saying, "Wow, I want that quirk."

"I'm jealous."

"That must be hard for her..."

"Wait, so she can read our minds!?"

"I don't know how to feel about that..."

"That's so cool!"

"Uh, Y/n. Could you stay after class please?" Aizawa then whispered to you as his hand grabbed onto your sleeve.

Looking down at him, you gulped and replied, "S-sure."

He nodded and let go of you.

In one swift motion, you walked back to your seat and sat down, attempting to calm down your growing heartbeat.

Everyone turned to face you, eyes wide with awe.

But one person's thought immediately grabbed your attention.

Am I in love with her...?

part 2?


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