✧~ Not for me ꒰ requested ꒱ ~✧

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• katsuki doesn't come home one night and phones you, openly admitting that he has been cheating on you.


• angst.


Rain smacked against the windows of the house, the wind howling in pain as thunder roared throughout the sky.

It was a Monday evening and you were sat at home, patiently checking your emails from work. You had tonnes.

Fuck this. You thought, rolled your eyes, then slammed your computer shut before placing it on the side.

A heavy sigh surpassed your lips as you whipped out your phone from your pocket to check the time. It was twelve. Your boyfriend should have been home hours ago.

Worry crashed throughout your body like waves. Why wasn't he home yet? Had something bad happened to him?

"Calm down, Y/n... You're probably overreacting." You muttered to yourself whilst massaging your temples using your hands.

Your worry immediately subsided as soon as you heard your phone begin to ring. Quickly, your eyes scanned downwards to see who was calling you. And at this hour too.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, you pressed accept then placed the phone up against your ear.

"Hello?" You hummed softly.

"Y/n." The familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ah, Katsuki. I was so worried. Where are you?"

There was silence on both ends of the phone. The only noises heard were background noises such as the bad weather and cars.


A deep sigh was all that was heard for a few seconds.

"Y/n... I... I need to talk to you."

The tone of Bakugou's voice caused your heart to drop. His voice was laced with nothing but uncertainty and guilt.

Taking a deep breath, you soon mumbled, "What is it?"

"I..." The male trailed off again.

"Katsuki, please. Just tell me whatever you want to say. I won't judge you or anything. You know I wouldn't."

"But what I'm about to tell you will make you upset..."

"... Why?"

The silence greeted you once again. Seconds passed before the ash blonde finally spoke once again, "Because this really isn't what you want to hear."

"Is it important? Do you really feel the need to tell me?"

"I do, yes. I can't keep lying to you."

Your throat ran dry in a matter of seconds. Can't keep lying to you? Whatever did that mean?

A nervous chuckle left your lips. "Uhm, what do you mean? You're starting to worry me."

"I'm really sorry to say this, Y/n. But this can't continue. We can't continue."

Silence again. Until,

"I've moved on. You're just... Not for me. I've met this amazing person now. They really are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I truly love them. I'm really sorry, I am. But just let me explai-"

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