✧~ Day off [request 29] ~✧

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this was requested by: @Rachetg. thank you~

summary/note: katsuki and you have a toddler and since it was your days off, you all decided to spend the day together. ⚠️

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"___ Come and get me!" A little squeal echoed around the broad living room, bouncing off of the walls that surrounded you

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"___ Come and get me!" A little squeal echoed around the broad living room, bouncing off of the walls that surrounded you.

"(Child's name), stop running around. Please." You begged, stopping in your tracks to catch your breath. It was a Sunday afternoon and most of it was spent with you chasing your little toddler all around the house.

The little girl/boy pouted then shuffled over towards you, hanging their head low as they gazed down at their feet, almost as if they were ashamed.

"M' sowwy, ___..." (Child's name) mumbled, still not looking up. Well, that was until you cracked a small smile, bent down, and scooped them up in your arms.

"It doesn't matter, but don't you want to do something else rather than run around the house?" You asked, soon peppering soft kisses all on their small face as they squealed and fidgeted in your grasp.

"Mmm... Like what?" The three year old hummed, wiggling around which indicated that they wanted to be put down. Crouching down to the floor, you placed them down and then stood up again.

(Child's name) turned to face you again, now with big, hopeful e/c eyes that shone in joy.

Tapping your chin to make it look like you were thinking, you hummed a random tune before returning your gaze back to your little one who you adored with every single fibre of your being.

"Well, what do you want to do?" You asked them as they took a single step closer to you, not breaking eye contact.

It was then another set of footsteps could be heard walking into the living room, where you and (Child's name) were standing near the sofas.

"Daddy!" The blonde haired girl/boy yelled out, rushing over to their father who was rubbing his eyes in tiredness as a yawn surpassed his lips. Katsuki had been at work yesterday night and came back home extremely late at night, so he was absolutely shattered.

Nonetheless, he immediately crouched down as the toddler ran straight into his strong arms, wrapping their small arms around his neck.

"Hey, little one." He said in his usual raspy morning voice which had your stomach doing flips.

"Hi!" (Child's name) responded, now stuffing their face into the ash blondes stomach.

Katsuki sighed softly to himself then combed his fingers through his child's hair, standing up after, causing the other to pout at the loss of warmth and comfort.

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