✧~ I like you! [request 16] ~✧

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this was requested by: _kookies-and-kream_. thank you~

summary/note: you and katsuki have been best friends since childhood and as the two of you grew up you started to develop strong feelings for him. however, katsuki would always compare you to other girls which made you loose hope. one day, your friend set up a blind date for you to go on so you could maybe forget about katsuki. since you didn't really want to be rude and decline, you went. when katsuki found out, he grew jealous and... ⚠️

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Katsuki and you had been best friends ever since childhood and you had developed feelings towards the certain ash blonde haired male awhile ago. However, you didn't want to confess because you were quite sure that he didn't like you back and you also didn't want to ruin the friendship the both of you had. You couldn't risk breaking that trust between the two of you.

Currently, you were walking next to Katsuki as the two of you were planning to go out onto the fields and meet the rest of your friends.

"Y/n, you know your quirk?" Katsuki asked you.

"Yeah, what about it?" You questioned him.

Just wait for him to compare me to another person that has a better quirk than me. You thought, now moving your eyes away from him.

"Why can't you have one like... Hmm, I don't know... Jirou?" He hummed, still walking beside you as the both of you had successfully made it outside.

You were silent as you didn't know what to say back to him. All he ever did was compare you to other people that you thought were better than you and it really confused you. He claimed that you were one of his best friends and that you were perfect the way you are, but then... He does that? What sort of logic is that?

"I like my quirk." You finally answered in a whisper.

"It's okay I guess," Katsuki begun, "Oh but it would be even better if you had one like-" You cut him off.

"Okay! I get it. Loads of people are better than me. You don't need to tell me that every single day, Katsuki."

He looked down at you, suddenly feeling really guilty. He didn't mean to compare you with other students, and he had no idea why he ever did so. You were perfect the way you were.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I really am." He sighed at you.

"Whatever." You snapped, looking straight ahead of you as you walked off in front of him. You didn't mean to be rude, but he probably didn't even mean the apology.

"Oi, where are you going!?" He yelled over to you. Yes, you heard, however, you shook your head and carried on walking.

You had given up hope now. Why did you have to love him in the way that you did? It was obvious he only thought of you as a friend. Or at least something like that.

Finally, after a while if walking, you were finally at the fields.

Scanning your eyes around the vast area, you finally spotted your group of friends all sat down in a circle. It seemed like they were discussing something very serious, which caught you off guard slightly since they were the type of people to usually just joke around all day and have fun.

Without another thought, you started making your way over there.

"Hi everyone. What are you talking about?" You asked as you stopped in front of the circle of people that were sat on the grass.

They all looked up at you with big, mischievous smiles which had you grow even more confused.

"Y/n! We were just talking about you!" A feminine voice called out, making you look to see who was speaking to you.

You weren't surprised to see Mina wandering over to you, her usual grin plastered on her face.

"You were? Good or bad?" You asked.

"We all think it's good. Since I came up with the idea." She laughed, grabbing your arm and forcing you to sit down next to her and Denki.

"You all think what's good?" You asked, looking around at everyone.

"Who wants to tell her?" Mina groaned, looking around the circle of people.

"I will!" Kirishima piped up, causing you to nod and look at him.

"Mina set you up on a blind date. You know, to forget about Bakugou." He announced with a smile.

Your eyes immediately widened. Really, a blind date?

"A... Blind date?" You breathed out, still not quite believing it.

"Yes! Am I great, or am I great!" Mina cheered, clutching onto your arm as she shook you, a huge grin making its way onto her face.

"Well not really!" You exclaimed, "I don't want to go on a blind date!"

"Oh please," Mina scoffed, glaring at you, "All Katsuki does is compare you to other people. Why would you want to be with someone like him?"

"What do you mean? You're his friend, Mina, you shouldn't talk about him like that." You sighed, "And... It's because... I love him..."

"Exactly! I set up this blind date after lessons have finished because I want you to forget him!" Mina groaned out, "It's for the best."

"No, it's not! I don't want to go on a blind date." You said sternly.

"Come onnn~ we can't exactly tell the person that you don't wanna go!" Mina whined.

"Who is the person?" You suddenly blurted out.

You could hear a few chuckles from around the group.

"That ruins the whole concept of 'blind date', Y/n." Another feminine voice chuckled. You looked and saw it was Momo who was sitting next to her girlfriend, Jirou, the two holding hands.

"But I only like Katsuki..." You whispered to yourself, looking down at the ground.

"Come on. After lessons have finished, I will help you get ready and prepared." Mina promised, looking at you.

"..." You were silent as you still didn't really know what to say. After all, you didn't want to go on a blind date since you loved Katsuki and didn't want to forget him. Besides, you knew your feelings wouldn't just vanish in an instant.

part 2 may be out today or tomorrow, i'll see. it depends when you all want it ;)


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