✧~ The Alpha and Omega |Pt 2| ~✧

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a/n: sorry about the small
school gets in the way 😞
anyway, im back with
part two.
i hope you enjoy.



"Bakugou? Why are you here?" You asked, staring up at the Omega.

He blushed and stared at you, unable to form a sentence for he was stuttering. You found this adorable.

"W-well... T-there was a..." He mumbled, fiddling with his fingers as his gaze was fixed on them, unable to look at you in the eyes, "There was a... Really nice smell... And... I came over to look, then... I realised... It was c-coming from you."

Your eyes widened upon hearing that. Coming from you? Was this meant to be? Is that why he also smelt so good?

"I hope it's not only me that thinks that!" He squealed quickly, his cheeks turning pink in an instant as he looked at you.

Shaking your head, you replied, "No, Bakugou... You smell... Good as well."

His red eyes widened in shock. He wasn't the only one?

"Well t-then..." He stuttered, and you knew very well what he was about to say. After all, it had always been him, you just hadn't realised it. After all, it was meant to be.

"That makes us..." You finished off.

“Mates.” Bakugou said after taking a deep breath. You nodded your head, happy that you finally found your mate. The person you were destined to be with since the start. However, you could only wish the two of you met in different circumstances.

"Bakugou! Why are you with her? Get here right now!" You could hear Kirishima yell, making you grit your teeth and glare over at him. He only smirked at you.

"C-coming!" Bakugou yelled back, sending you an apologetic look before changing into a beautiful wolf once again and running over to Kirishima, dissapearing behind his pack.

You growled, changing back into your wolf form as you ran over to help your pack fight off his pack. This was your territory. How dare they step foot in it.

Leaping forward, you jumped up on your two hind legs and leaned towards Denki, who surprisingly had the courage to lunge towards you, claws out in front of him.

You two came closer to eachother, both ready to fight.

You dodged his attack quickly and managed to dig your claws deep into his fur, obviously drawing blood that trickled down his sides in an instant.

Denki yelled out in pain and fell to the floor, his eyes closing as he tried his best to control his breathing.

Half of Kirishima’s pack rushed to his aid whereas the other half of the pack were still trying their best to fight your pack that were showing no mercy whatsoever.

"Bakugou!" You heard Kirishima yell as you were busy protecting your pack with all the strength you had left.

Bakugou just nodded, not wanting to say anything.

"Why are you just standing there? Kill Y/n!" Kirishima yelled in anger.

Bakugou looked up at the Alpha in fear and gulped, not knowing what to do or say.

"I-i can't..." He whispered, looking down once again. This made Kirishima beyond angry. Oh, he was furious.

"What did you say?" The Alpha spat, stepping closer to Bakugou who was still hanging his head low in shame, "You said you can't?"

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