✧~ Quirkless wonder |Pt 4| ~✧

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|a few weeks later...|

It had been a few weeks ever since the incident regarding you and Bakugou. In classes, you both didn't speak to eachother, when you passed eachother in the hallways, you both didn't speak to eachother. It wasn't that you didn't want too, it was just... Both of you had no idea what to say it even how to approach eachother.

"Y/n~" Your friend, Momo sang, clinging onto your arm tightly with a smile on her face. Momo was basically your only friend in U.A, apart from Todoroki.

"Yes...?" You muttered, fiddling with your pen.

"Bakugou is over there~" She chuckled, pointing in the air towards a familiar blonde haired male that was looking quite dead as his red haired friend was desperately trying to grab his attention.

"And? Why would I care?" You spat, throwing your pen down whilst crossing your arms over your chest.

Momo glared at you and whispered, "Because I know you like hiim..."

Heat rushed to your face as your eyes shot open immediately, turning as huge as saucers.

"I- what?" You stuttered. You could hear your heart beating quickly in your chest.

No, you didn't want to admit it, but you had unfortunately grown feelings towards the boy capable of explosions. It made you think more clearly about your argument. In all honesty, it wasn't really needed. It was stupid, and you were both in the wrong. Yes, it was an unnecessary argument that needed to be sorted out. But that was the problem... You didn't know how to approach Bakugou, hence why you had been ignoring him for the past week.

"Aha, I knew it~ it was so obvious!" Momo laughed, making you become flustered all over again.

"Well... Ah, shut up!" You whisper-yelled, your blush becoming darker as it spread across your cheeks.

"You two would be so cuuute~ oh, I must tell Mina and Jirou about this!"

"Don't you dare."

"Awww, please?"

"Absolutely not."

"Hmph fine then." Momo huffed and turned around in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest as a pout formed at her lips.

Sighing, you just shook your head and turned your attention back to the lesson.

⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
Time skip...

It was now the end of the lesson, so you got prepared to leave the classroom.

Standing up from your seat, you walked towards the door but was stopped as soon as you felt a hand grabbing your wrist quickly, making you jolt backwards slightly.

With a gasp, you turned your head to see who grabbed you.

You just stood there with wide eyes looking at...


As you looked into his eyes, you could see that guilt and sadness lingered in them as he looked at you.

The rest of the students had already left the classroom and the only person left was the teacher. He cleared his throat, signalling for the two of you to leave.

Katsuki just nodded and dragged you out of the classroom, refusing to let you go. Not now. Not ever.

"W-what are you doing? Let me go!" You yelled, trying your best to get out of his grip, however, he was too strong. And... You feared that he would possibly burn your whole hand off. After all, that was what he said the fist time you met.

"Shut up, we need to talk." He spat, turning a corner.

With a sigh, you just allowed him to pull you to wherever he was going.

He then stopped and let go of your wrist, now grabbing you by the shoulders as he walked forward, making you step back.

You were confused as to what he was doing, however, you just decided to keep quiet.

When you found yourself up against a wall, you stopped and glanced at Bakugou, who was looking into your eyes as he still held your shoulders.

Bakugou then begun to lean down so that was was level with you.

"Y/n..." He whispered, his eyes searching for yours.

"Yes?" You asked, looking up at him.

"I... I'm sorry." He muttered.

"No, I am too." You admitted.

"I didn't mean anything I said. I was just being stupid. Please forgive me." Bakugou said. And you could see that he was telling the truth by the way he looked at you as well as the tone of his voice.

"I do forgive you, Katsuki. And... I'm sorry as well." You muttered.

"It's fine."

You smiled up at Bakugou, however, he didn't do anything back which made you confused. When he begun leaning in closer, you felt your breath instantly hitch in your throat.

"And I have one other thing to tell you..." He whispered, his breath ghosting over your lips that were now slightly parted.

"And that is...?" You whispered back, gazing into his eyes.

“That I love you...”

Before you could comprehended anything, Bakugou leaned down and presses his lips against yours, making your eyes shoot open wide.

However, after a few seconds, you closed your eyes and kissed him back, relaxing in his embrace as his arms slipped around your waist, holding you closer to him.

As soon as you two broke away, you smiled and replied, “I love you too.”

And just like that, your new life and new beginning started with Bakugou. And you couldn't want it any other way.

Yes, you were the 'quirkless wonder' that he fell in love with.

i know, it's really short
and bad, so sorry for that.

i hope you enjoyed.

as soon as i have time,
i will get on with request


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