Chapter 1

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Your dragons are in the image above

You were raised by 2 storm dragons your father Ragnar and mother Pandora, they treated you as their own and taught you everything they knew including how to read and wright.

Rain fell down soaking my clothing as I continue to sprint through the wilderness in panic "PANDORA...RAGNAR" I cry out looking everywhere for my dragons, "where are you" tears begin to roll down my cheeks due to the fact your dad 'Ragnar' and mother 'Pandora' (king and queen of the storm dragons) had vanished with no goodbye, stopping in my tracks I sit on the ground rubbing my eyes. Hours seem to pass with still not a dragon insight "Ragnar, Pandora...where are you" I whisper to myself.

I just sit there looking down at the ground with nowhere to go, picking up the fragrance of someone or something coming in my direction the disturbance of a twig breaking captured my awareness. I jump to my feet taking a few paces back in alarm "...Ragnar...Pandora".

"Igneel?" I hear somebody cry out as they get closer, I suddenly freeze-up I've never encountered another human before plus didn't have Pandora or Ragnar to protect me. Out of the bushes I see a young boy around my age with pink spiky hair appear, my eyes widen in panic as he reaches out for me but before he could get any closer I spin running through the forest as fast as my feet could take me.

"WAIT! PLEASE" he shouts in the distance behind me, after a while I begin to slow down and lean against a tree glimpsing around making sure I was safe, unexpectedly without notice I was pinned down on my back by someone gently holding my shoulders down. "PANDORA, RAGNAR HEL..." a delicate hand moves over my mouth "I'm not gonna hurt you" a soft voice speaks, I quit struggling and lookup gazing into a pair of Onix eyes "I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth now...ok" I nod slowly.

He begins to move his hand off my mouth and get off me sitting down beside, allowing me to sit up, we sit there in silence for approximately 2 seconds then as fast as lightning I stand up beginning to run away. "No wait...please" as I run away I notice no one is chasing me, putting the brakes on I look back and tilt my head in curiosity and caution.

I quietly start to walk back retracing my steps eventually seeing the boy just sitting there with his head down while a single tear falls down his cheek. Carefully I step into view and look down at him as he slowly lifts his head staring into my eyes, step by step I move forward and sit next to him saying nothing.

"I can't find him" he sniffles I glance over at him and look down at my hand noticing he locked his onto mine. "Have you seen Igneel? I can't find him" he looks up at me, "who's Igneel?" "He's my dad...a fire dragon" I look at him startled hoping he can help me find Ragnar and Pandora. "I'm searching for my parents, I can't find them" tears start to form in my eyes as I bury my face in my hands "I just woke up and they were gone".

I feel a couple of warm arms wrap around me as I start to cry "my parents are storm dragons", he looks me in the eyes and presses his forehead against mine "we can locate them together" I gaze into his eyes and nod as he cuddles me again wiping away my tears. "What's your name?" He says softly in my ear eventually letting go
"y/n" "I'm Natsu".

Up in the distance a short figure starts to approach us, Natsu lifts his head first noticing, I look up noticing a short man with a grey mustache looking down at us with a soft welcoming smile. I clutch onto Natsu burying my head in his neck, the short man smiles and holds his hand out.

The elderly man known as Makarov directs the 2 of us to something known as a guild, he describes what there is to learn and about quests and members of the guild. We soon stood before a large building called 'fairy tail' throughout the entire trip from the forest to the guild Natsu didn't let go of my hand once, I see his face glow with curiosity and excitement. He turns his head and gazes at me squeezing my hand tight.

We slowly nudge the doors open and walk-in together side by side hand in hand everyone stops and looks at us as smiles shape on their faces. I take a step back feeling uncomfortable but everything seems to suddenly stop when I look at Natsu and he gives me a smile and hugs me "I will stay by your side...always" a single tear falls down my cheek as I squeeze him back knowing I'm safe in his arms.

Some kids around our age begin to move toward us the first was an intense-looking girl with long scarlet hair carrying a sword, another young girl stood beside her with long white hair bound up. The 3rd was a boy who didn't seem to be wearing a shirt, Natsu instantly puts his hand over my eyes and starts to yell at him naming him an ice freak or popsicle.

After being introduced to the 2 girls in front of me I glimpse over in Natsus location as he butts heads with the boy know as grey fullbuster this puts a small smile on my face Natsu notices my smile and gives me a toothy grin in return. A finger unexpectedly taps my shoulder from behind I immediately turn around beholding just 2 feet in front of me trailing all the way up I swallow hard, never had I seen someone this tall.

He smiles at me and puts his hand out "hey I'm guildarts" I stare up at him incapable of saying anything, he chuckles resulting in Natsu looking in my direction. Without hesitation he runs over and stands in front of me "and what's your name?" He smiles "Natsu Dragneel" he says while frowning at Guildarts.

The first week at fairy tail was a little uncomfortable but no matter what occurred Natsu was by your side the entire time, the 2 of you were inseparable, Years went by and the 2 of you proceeded to stay together. Soon a flying blue cat came into the image and all 3 of you moved into a cozy place to call your own, Natsu never broke his vow and no matter who appeared into the picture he never once abandoned you. (Lisanna tried to be close to Natsu but your bond was too strong) years continued to pass and the 3 of you still went on the odd voyage in hope of finding Igneel, Ragnar or Pandora some moments you felt all was lost but he was with you every step of the way to pick you up no matter what crossed your path.

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