Chapter 7

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"Well then" he walks closer putting his hands on the bed leaning forward with our noses almost touching "looks like I've gotta think of a different punishment" he smirks. I swallow hard and back up a little "what punishment would that be?" "Guess you find out" he laughs ruffling my hair, getting up out of his bed I get changed and walk out seeing him put on his vest.

He turns and notices me "like what you see" "oh please grey is way better" "WHAT!...Your dead" he charges at me. I spin to exit the room but slip on the floor having natsu pounce on me with my back against the ground and his body hovering over me examining my curves "excuse me, my eyes are up here" "oh hehe sorry" he gets off me and stands up holding out a had "c'mon, we don't wanna keep lucy waiting".

We see lucy up ahead and run catching up to her "wheres Happy? I thought he'd be here" "Oh I almost forgot, happy came and told me he was gonna stay at the guild today and that you 2 were still asleep, now let's go we gotta get a carriage" "CARRIAGE!" We clench our stomachs preparing for the dreaded ride "this mission better be worth it" "this will be the last ride I ever take, I'm just gonna walk everywhere from now on".

"get me off this thing, I can't take it anymore" "it not that bad now help me out I've got to get into character "can I get you anything master" show smiles "a barf bag would be nice". We all sit in silence for a while as natsu leans against the window and I groan with my head on his lap. "Hey Natsu" I look over at lucy "something on your mind?" "Well yeah... I was just wondering why you picked me to join your team?" "Cause you seem like a nice person" "but gotta admit your still weird" I chuckle.

"Anyway I'm totally stoked about my first real job, I know I'm gonna rock it" I look up at natsu basically telling him this was a bad idea bringing her along, but the job said blonde maid I get a return nod and go bad to feeling sick. "I think I fit the job perfectly, if this guy likes pretty blondes them I'm sure to get in" "bet you didn't get into sorcerer weekly magazine last year like y/n" natsu mumbles quietly, unfortunately for him and my hearing I raise an eyebrow and glare "I heard that".

"anyway about the reward money I think we should split it 80%, 10% and 10% since I'm doing all the work", I frown waiting for Natsu to speak up and a mini argument breaks out eventually we reach an agreement with 40%, 30% and 30%. The carriage finally stops and we start to walk the rest of the way through town "that's the last time I'm riding and of those".

I fall to the ground and lie there "I'm gonna eat my own hand if I don't get something to eat" "count me in I'll eat my foot while you're at it" me and natsu whine in hunger. "Cant you guys just eat your own fire or storm charge?" I scrunch up my face "that's a great idea" "then eat up" "ugh its called sarcasm" she looks shocked at my attitude "don't take it personally she's just hungry, but it's true what she says, it's like telling you to eat that cow of yours".

"So let me get this straight, you can eat fire just not your own? That's kinda lame" "well at least I don't need others to fight my battles" I mutter. As we walk down the street we pass a restaurant "hey let's stop and get a bite" "no thank I'm gonna look around, hey y/n can you come look around with me" Natsu stiffens up disliking the thought of being away from me I hang my head and sigh wanting to stay by his side "hey Natsu bring something back for me would you? Thanks" I say quietly.

Me and Lucy walk down the streets and look down at the water sitting on the edge. "So tell me about Natsu" "well Happy told me that he told you about our past so what do you wanna know?". "I wanna know things he likes to do, favorite quests, places he often hangs out and maybe visit his house, oh that reminds me can u give him this?" "What is it?" "Oh it's just my address let him know he can visit anytime he wants".

I sigh in hunger what is it with her? She talks way too much and why am I here? We should be eating Lucy drags me to a clothes store "I gotta get something" she soon comes out dressed up in a maid costume "what do you think" "I think we should go meet up with Natsu" I fast walk making my way towards the restaurant seeing natsu on the deck eating "NATSU!" Turning his head our eyes lock, jumping over the railing he speeds towards me pulling me into a hug "I'm not letting you leave again...not without me" he whispers snuggling his face in my neck.

Lucy catches up and spins showing off her outfit to Natsu "don't be shy I know I look super cute in this uniform", I look at Natsu and cross my arms "Natsu Dragneel, did you tell lucy she has to wear a maid outfit" he shrugs and flashes a guilty grin "wait!, you mean I didn't have to dress up like this!" "Awww c'mon he may like it" we start to walk in the direction of the mansion with lucy walking ahead of us. "why would you tell her to wear a maid outfit" "I didn't think she'd take it seriously" smacking Natsu on the head with a magazine I turn my back towards him walking away "I don't think so" a strong arm snakes around my waist pulling me back pressing me up against natsu "did you just hit me with a magazine" he smirks ".....maybe" I roll my eyes "we should get going".

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