Chapter 3

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"Oh hey your back I almost forgot to tell you, I know I may not look like it but I'm a wizard too, I haven't joined a guild yet oh I should probably explain". Happy leans over to me as Lucy babbles on about guilds
"she sure does talk a lot" he whispers, I snicker and nudge Happy playfully.

"I wonder what guild shes talking about wanting to join?" Happy just giggles and shrugs, "Oh I forgot, you came here looking for someone didn't you" Happy nods and looks at Natsu "yeah me Happy and y/n are looking for Igneel, Pandora and Ragnar" he says while eating. I smile "we heard a rumor that a salamander was coming through this town, turns out it was somebody else" "yeah that guy didn't look like a salamander at all" "no kidding, I bet that poser can't even breath fire like a real fire dragon"

"I don't get it? So your friends look like dragons?" The 3 of us shake our heads and I speak up "you got it all wrong, they don't look like dragons they are dragons" "aye, Igneel is a real live fire dragon while Ragnar and Pandora are storm dragons" "WHY WOULD FIRE AND STORM DRAGONS SHOW UP IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN?!" Me natsu and Happy freeze "its totally ridiculous!!!" realizing how stupid we were to have come here the 3 of us sink in our seats.

Putting money on the table and walking away Lucy waves goodbye "I better get going, enjoy the rest of your day" before she could walk out the door I watch as Natsu and Happy fall to the floor thanking her for the food. I roll my eyes "you do know that whatever shred of dignity you had left just went out the window". I laugh and take his hand helping him up off the ground.

Soon enough night fell and the moon came into view, I and Natsu were looking out over the town from a lookout while happy slept in Natsu's backpack. "There are so many stars in the sky tonight" he looks at me and smiles "we don't have this many back home". " hey look over there" I point out to the sea "isn't that the salamander guys boat?" "Oh yeah he mentioned something about a party, I still can't believe he said he was a dragon" I giggle at his reply "what's so funny" he raises an eyebrow "he never said he was a dragon, he said he was known as salamander" I ruffle his hair.

Natsu grabs me wrapping his arms around my waist holding me with my back pressed against his chest and chin on my head as we look at the lights coming from the town. "Do you think Pandora and Ragnar are still alive?" He gently spins me around so our chests touch and looks me in the eyes "don't worry, I bet their out there right now" "then how come we can't find them" he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear "we'll find them, and I bet they're thinking of you right now".

I flash a smile and bury my head in his chest "how come you always know what to say?" "That's easy, it's because I'm a genius". I chuckle and sigh feeling warm in his presence, we hear 2 girls giggling near us pointing at the boat "omg that's salamanders boat, he's a part of fairy tail" our eyes widen as we stare at each other in anger of what we heard. "We gotta do something" he nods and grabs my hand as we run together heading toward the docks.

"Happy you carry natsu, I'll go underwater" "aye" Happy grabs hold of Natsu and flys toward the boat, "storm dragon tempest" I yell equipping into a flexible outfit suit for water (your choice), jumping in the water you head toward the boat keeping up with Happy and Natsu, We reach the boat and board it by Natsu crashing through the roof and me jumping out the water landing on the deck.

I spot Natsu and rush over to him soon dropping to my knees alongside him trying to keep my lunch down, "Get Lucy outta here" Happy wraps his tail around lucy and flys off allowing Natsu and me to deal with the crew. "Why did it have to be a boat..." I large man walks toward me picking me up swinging me over his shoulder, Natsu clenches his hands into fists while his eyes go turn into slits.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!" He gets up supporting himself on one knee rage filled his eyes, he charged at the man clutching me and ignited his fist with orange flames punching him in the stomach allowing Natsu to grab me out of his hold and into hi...

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"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!" He gets up supporting himself on one knee rage filled his eyes, he charged at the man clutching me and ignited his fist with orange flames punching him in the stomach allowing Natsu to grab me out of his hold and into his arms making sure I was safe.

I turn to look behind me seeing a giant wave headed toward us I tap natsu on the shoulder and we nod gripping onto each other ready to crash onto the shores. The wave crashed against the boat causing the boat to break into pieces against the land, salamander and his men stand together looking around at the destruction of their boat.

"So you claim to be a member of fairy tail?" Natsu says while removing his coat exposing his bare chest while wearing a black vest with orange They look up seeing me and Natsu standing side by side on a large piece of wood looking down at them, "Natsu!" Lucy shouts at us relieved we're ok "don't worry lucy I should have mentioned that Natsu and y/n are wizards too" Happy says while sitting on lucys shoulder.

"So what's it to you if we claimed to be a member of fairy tail? GO GET EM" Salamander scowls as his minions run toward us, "let us get a closer look at your face" I glare. "You ready y/n" I nod and grin at him as we take out 4 men with one punch "my names Natsu and this is y/n we're part of the fairy tail guild. " WHAT their apart of fairy tail!".

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