Chapter 14

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This scene is better if you play song
(In my opinion)

read slowly and open your

BTW. this is just a small romantic moment when they discover each other's feelings.

He moves his face close to mine.
"I've known you for over half my life, the thought of living without you is unimaginable and at a certain point in my life the idea of spending the rest of my life with someone seems confusing, y/n I want your world to begin and end with me so what I'm trying to say is... Y/n I'm head over heels in love with you".

I lay there in silence completely speechless "please say something" "I...I can't talk" he smiles looking down at me "then don't", he presses a pair of warm hot lips against mine kissing me tenderly as our lips melt together. He licks my bottom lip asking for permission in which I decline, refusing to be turned down I feel him force his tongue in exploring every inch.

"y/n" he breathes heavily "when the season comes let me claim you... I can't live without you" "I'm here...I'm all yours", planting hot kisses down my neck he sits up pulling me onto his lap wrapping my legs around his waist. We press our heads together sitting there for hours just absorbing the feeling and warmth of each other's touch, our fingers blending together with the sun setting making a shadow on the grass of our bodies pressed up together.

He makes me look him straight in the eyes and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear "y/n...promise me something" "and what's that?" I plant a soft kiss "promise me that you'll let me be apart of your world" " already are" "I find myself wanting to treasure you and never leave your side" a tear falls down my cheek as I slowly run my fingers through his hair enjoying the pleasure of his touch, fingers through my hair and running down my back as we kiss cherishing the moment we have not wanting to move "then don't".

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