Chapter 17

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I wake up to a snoring Natsu "seriously it's like sleeping next to a chainsaw" I giggle to myself, walking into the kitchen I open the fridge starting to prepare breakfast for when he wakes up. Mixing batter in a bowl adding some eggs I feel 2 hands wrap around my waist from behind, "morning Natsu" "good morning mate" he gives me a smile making me put the bowl to the side so he gets my attention.

"You smell great, can we stay home today?"
"That depends on what you wanna do?"
"Well let's see...after last night we need to take a shower together of course then see where things take us"
"Alright, but if erza gets angry and finds we're not at the guild I'm blaming you"
He buries his head in my neck lick where he bit me "your mine now" he growls "says who?" "That mark on your shoulder proves it" I sigh
"what am I gonna do with you"
he smirks and shrugs "that's up to you, but I already know what I wanna do with you"
"Natsu Dragneel, don't be cheeky"
"It's not my fault, besides I'm too awesome for you to be mad at me"
"Let's go have a shower, we can eat once we finish"
"I like the sound of that" getting picked up bridal style he runs to the shower closing the door behind him. After both of us strip down we get in the shower turning the hot water on with the hot water hitting our skin running down our bodies before washing down the drain, "I didn't get my morning kiss" rolling my eyes a giving him I quick peck on the cheek I smile at him "there you go, happy?" "You're not getting away that easy" he presses me hard against his body wrapping an arm around my waist one trailing down he connects his lips with mine inserting his tongue exploring as our lips melt together attacking each others face breathing heavily before finally detaching "now I'm satisfied, well...not completely anyway" "and may I ask what else did you have in mind" I raise an eyebrow seeing a cocky smirk appear on his face.

He picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist "just to let you know in case you haven't forgotten, mating season lasts up to 4 weeks". I run my fingers through his wet hair moaning as he kisses my neck, I dig my face in the crook of his neck biting my lower lip in pleasure. "Tell me, who do you belong to?" "You" I manage to say through moans "I'm sorry I can't hear you what's his name?"
"Natsu Dragneel"
"I'm sorry but I still can't hear you"
"I belong to Natsu Dragneel!"

After dealing with a frustrating natsu for 4 whole weeks mating season was finally over, I'm not gonna lie saying I didn't enjoy it to be honest I loved every second of other than when natsu begged though eventually you gave it but didn't regret it.

I wake up not feeling too good then a sudden urge hits me dashing to the bathroom I vomit in the toilet, after Natsu and I behaved like animals using no protection for the last 4 weeks and may have gone for it a bit more 2 weeks after I instantly became suspicion knowing that throwing up and feeling like this couldn't a coincidence.

Walking out of the bathroom I nudge Natsu waking him up
"what's wrong?" He looked a little concerned for me
"can you go to the guild and get more for me?"
"Mira? Why what's wrong?"
"I'll tell you later but at the moment I need you to go"
"Ok....but you have to tell me as soon as she leaves" he stares at me with a serious look on his face.
"Don't worry I will".

After waiting for what seemed like days more barges in through the front entrance. "Y/n are you ok?" I look up at the roof "I think I'm pregnant" looking at Mira's reaction I instantly regret telling her. Mira squeals with excitement and hands me a small box "I knew it! But don't worry I came prepared, now got into that bathroom" shoving me through the bathroom doors almost falling over she closes it behind me. After following the instructions all we could do was wait "is it time yet?" "Almost" the time had come as we both see the results and look at each other.

"What you gonna tell him?"
"Honestly I have no idea, this is Natsu we're talking about he didn't even know where kids came from 6 years ago until master told him"
"You need to tell him sometime besides at least he KNOWS where kids come from?"
"I have to tell him...get it over and done with"
"Don't worry you'll be fine"
We talk for a few hours then I wave her goodbye and sit on the couch just staring at the ground figuring out how to tell Natsu he's gonna be a father.

The door creaks open "you gonna tell me what going promised" I hear his foot tap and look up at him seeing all he cared about was my safety. Taking a seat next to me I receive a kiss on the cheek along with a hug, we both promised not to hide from each tell me what going on" he whispers tenderly in my ear stroking the back of my head.

A single tear rolls down my cheek as I look deep into his beautiful onyx eyes.
"Everything's gonna be alright"
"Natsu...I'm pregnant...your going to be a father"

*Evil Laugh*
You will all have to wait for the next chapter to find out Natsu’s reaction
Sorry 😁

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