Chapter 38

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I look down at his damaged body with anger and temptation to end his life, distracting me I suddenly spot something in his coat. Reaching for the item I picked it up, holding it in my hands and raise an eyebrow it seemed to be a lacrime.

What did it contain?...

Shoving it in my pocket I rush to Y/n and held her bridal style while I had my legs crossed and was sitting on the ground.

She says quietly

His voice sounded cracked and sore which was possibly from her scream, I dare not think about went on while I was gone and I felt guilty as fuck for not coming sooner.

"I'm here Y/n, I'm here"
I whisper gently in her ear

"Let's go home"

I stand up with her in my arms and walk out of the building taking a quick glance over my shoulder and disappearing with Y/n, her head was buried in my chest as she slept in my arms. On the way back I was curious about what the lacrime contained and was eager to show it to Erza.
For once in my life while we were sitting on the train I didn't feel sick or throw up, I just stayed beside Y/n as she rested laying sideways on the seat. I train whistle went off and a conductor's voice could be heard announcing the arrival to magnolia, strangers look and stare in my direction as I hold a bloody Y/n in my arms.
Opening the door to home I take her to the bedroom and lay her down gently giving her a kiss on the head.

"I'll be back, I just need to let the others know I found you"

As much as I hated leaving her again I told myself I would just make a quick trip there and back, arriving at the guild I saw them all panicking. When the doors get kicked open all heads turn my way "NATSU!" they all shout running towards me. I explain how I found Y/n and that I didn't want Igneel to see her like this.


I turn my head seeing Igneel

"Hey buddy, you ok?"

He nods wrapping his arms around my neck laughing.

"I missed you, but I knew you'd be ok... Where's mom?"

"She's just a little hurt, nothing too bad she just needs a little rest and once she's ok we can all go to the beach"

His face looked a little disappointed the fact he couldn't see Y/n but immediately brightened up when I mentioned the beach.

"Hey Happy, wanna go to the park"
Igneel giggles

Looking at Happy I give him a nod and the 2 run/fly out the door laughing.

"Hey Erza, I need you to look at something for me. When I rescued Y/n I found this on the man who had taken her"

I pass over the lacrime hoping she would know what to do with it.

"It seems to hold a memory or perhaps moment, I will see what I can do"

We soon go it working and by now the whole guild was crowded around the table we're at, each of them equally as curious. When it's started to work I watched in horror seeing the atrocities that Y/n went through while I was gone, it showed her going through the same cycle every day because of her determination to reject his orders and refuse to give in. The Guild was dead quiet with eyes locked on as her screams echoed and we saw what he was doing/had done. Before any more could be shown Erza deactivates it and hands it to master for him to store it away where it could not be accessed to anyone except him.
The guild was quiet still processing what they had just seen, Mira had tears pouring down her face while others were either trying not to cry or looking down at the ground thinking about Y/n and how she refused to give in even after all that had happened she was determined to stay strong even if it meant death.

"I should go home and stay with Y/n, she needs my support"

Without a single voice of someone I run out of the guild soon arriving home leaning against the bedroom door frame staring at her. I turn on the tap to the bath filling it with warm water, bushing a strand of hair behind her ear I begin to undress her burning the blood-stained clothes and carrying her bare body lowering her gently into the bath.

"I'm sorry Y/n... This is all my fault, I should have gone with you to make sure you'd be safe... I failed you"

"You came for me, you didn't fail"

I look into her eyes pressing my lips against hers, I'd search my entire life for you even if it means in return I would see you one last time for a brief moment. Getting a sponge I start to run it along her body cleaning the dried blood that stuck to her beautiful skin, the bathwater began to turn red resulting in me draining and refilling it will clean water. I stand up straight and being to strip off my clothes joining her, pulling her towards me her head resting on me.

"I love you Y/n"

Holding her face in my hands my lips press gently against her, she returns and our lips melt together, sliding my tongue into her mouth I feel all-around before gasping for air and pressing my forehead against hers.
Though there was one thing that still scared me... Is the child still alive, I would call someone tomorrow to check on her to see if she would be ok as well as the child.

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