Chapter 4

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"I have no idea what you're trying to do here, and I don't care if your a good guy, bad guy or what...I'm not gonna let you dirty the fairy tail guilds name" Natsu shouts at them. "And what are you gonna do about it? Stop me?" Salamander replies with a smug look on his face, salamander creates a purple circle shouting a spell aiming toward the 2 of us.

A large fire spell hits the 2 of us making a large fire explosion as the smoke clears Natsu eats the fire standing over me making sure I'm out of harm's way. "That how it works with Natsu and y/n, she protects him from storm spells such as lightning, thunder and violent water spells and Natsu makes sure fire/flame spells don't harm her" Happy says to Lucy while watching the battle.

Natsu nudges me "you ready" I chuckle and look at him "oh yeah", we both run towards them and jump "fire dragon ROAR" "storm dragon ROAR". A scorching fire tangles with a dark purple electrical light as the 2 spells neatly weave together hitting the men directly creating a giant explosion with rocks and debris flying through the air.

Knock almost all the men out in one hit, one of them manages to get to his feet "hey boss I swear I've seen these guys before, the pink hair and scaly-looking scarf and the other with h/c colored hair and e/c eyes there's no doubt about it they gotta be the real ones" "hey... it's salmon" I shout back.

Lucy stares at us with disbelief "SALAMANDER AND BASILISK" she stares at us as me and Natsu battle side by side, "I hope you guys are paying attention to see what a real fairy tail wizard can do" Natsu's fists ignite with flames while purple lightning-like magic covers my fists and arms. We charge and attack while natsu throws a powerful fire punch knocking him back a little I jump casting a spell "storm dragon special attack" a large purple lightning strike comes from the sky out of know where hitting him directly and punching him in Natsu's direction.

With Natsu finishing him off with a final blow to the chest, lucy continues to watch in the background amazed without powers "so he eats flames and attacks with them!" "Aye, while Natsu is able to eat flame the attack, y/n can eat lightning and can absorb energy creating storm magic allowing her to use different types but it depends on what climate she's in". "how are they able to do that?" "They have dragon lungs letting them eat, dragon scales abling them to absorb and dragon claw letting them attack".

"But that's impossible!" Happy giggles "with those 2 anything is possible their dragons taught them how to use this magic it ancient and extremely rare, its know as dragon slayer magic". I look behind me and freak out "HEY NATSU WE GOTTA BAIL" I shout, he looks in my direction seeing the army and grabs my hand c'mon we gotta get outta here. Happy lands on my shoulder and hangs on "hey Lucy you coming? You said you wanted to join the fairy tail guild so c'mon"

I stick my hand out allowing her to grab it as me and Natsu drag her with us heading back home.


Natsu kicks the guild doors open with one arm draped over my shoulders "WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE", the whole guild cheers and is filled with life and other fairy tail members some guild member heard about what happened back with the fake salamander "so I heard what you guys did in hargeon" someone laughed, in which the go an immediate kick from me a Natsu.

"You lied about that salamander" I yell at him as he laid on the ground "hey I'm not the one to blame I just heard a rumor" he replies "it was just a rumor?!" We shout at the same time. With one thing leading to another me, Natsu and almost all the guild members broke out into a brawl, "wow I can't believe I'm in fairy tail" I look over my shoulder seeing lucy eyes glow with excitement.

"So what do you think so far" I say giving her a slap on the back "I'm just so happy I'm actually here" a boy with orange hair and glasses walks in front of us "and what are you lovely ladies doing here all alone?". "She's not interested loke, got pester some other poor girl" "awwww cmon al--" "were not interested" I yell with a punch sending him across the room.

"Anyway here let me introduce you to a few people" Lucy smiles as I drag her around the guild telling her about most of the guild member and their magic. We soon take a seat at an empty table "so what with you and Natsu...are you dating?" "Nope, we've known each other for ages both out dragons disappeared on the same day and we met in the forest, we were only little when it happened so we just stayed side by side since that day. " wow, I was wondering why you guys were so attached to each other, now I know why" "I'll be right back hanging on" I get up off my seat and join in the fight with punches flying round.

I giant figure stands over us causing everyone to freeze in their tracks but making Natsu chuckle and brag about winning before getting crushed by a giant foot. "Well Gramps I was wondering when you'd show up" I chuckle. He looks at lucy "it seems we have a new recruit" I push lucy forward "go say hi" I giggle.

She steps forward in fright then soon sees him shrink down to a short old man "nice to meet you" he smiles putting out his hand. Mira stands beside me and introduces lucy to the guild master 'master Makarov'. He jumps up onto a railing and clears his throat getting the guild's attention "you've gone and done it again, just look at how much paperwork the magic council has sent me this is the biggest pile of complaints yet!" He lets out a loud frustrated sight "however I say to heck with the magic council" lighting the paperwork on fire he throws it into the crowd allowing Natsu to eat it, he lands beside me wrapping an arm round my waist.

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