Chapter 40

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Lucy remembered my tormentor, how he said the exact same thing and took no pity.
The guild looks in my direction in horror seeing what was happening to me and what I was doing to Lucy. I raise my arm creating a deadly amount of storm energy in my hand and point it at Lucy, I press my thumb against her windpipe making her gasp for air this brings a smile to my face making my eyes go white with no visible pupils.

"What's 1'000 minus 7"

I clench my fist tighter.

"I'm waiting for an answer"

She starts clawing at my hands in desperation for air.

"After everything I've been through, you think that can hurt me?"

Before I can do any serious harm on her Erza body slams me to the ground making me let go of Lucy, I lay in the middle of the guild as the others crowd around me. I laugh menacingly as I get up onto my hands and knees.

"My fingers on the bench... Centipedes crawling in my ears... IN MY HEAD"
I laugh with my voice sounding distorted

(Example of the voice and laugh 0:56, ignore the kagune and kakuja)

The guild member just stare in fright with eyes locked on in utter terror, Lucy dashes out of the guild doors and I laugh crashing through the door turning it into splinters.

"Your mine"

I jump landing on her making sure she hits the ground, getting up and backing against a brick wall she sees as I bend my body strangely.

"1'000 minus 7 is... Do you know?"
I turn my head smiling at her.

Erza comes running towards me with a sword in which I grab the blade with my hand laughing as blood pours from my palm. Erza stands in front of lucky and shoots her a glare of fury and anger, I let out a deformed roar at Erza angrily for defending lucy then vanish by jumping onto a rooftop running away. Natsu goes to chase after me but guild members hold him back restraining him from going after me, my brain was fuzzy as if television static was blocking all humanity I had, whatever I unleashed back there just showed me that deep inside I'm not human anymore.


I try to find back in desperation as I watch Y/n leap over a rooftop and disappear out of sight, my fists go into a ball and I look at lucky with my fangs bared and hair hanging over my eyes.

"What did you say to her"
I speak quietly

"I didn't say anything, she just attacked me"

"Whatever that was back there, that wasn't Y/n and she would never do anything like that unless something drastic happened, so I'm going to as you one more time... What did you say to her"

"Well, I didn't think she'd react like that..."
Lucy mumbled

I growl

My hands alight on fire as the flames gradually flow up my arms, soon my whole body was a roaring inferno.

"It was an accident"

"Lucy, what did you say"
Erza glares

Lucy just stares at the ground unable to look her in the eye and face the wrath of Titania.

"I...i may have brought up..."

" didn't!...did you?"
Natsu roars

Lucy stays silent.

"I'm sorry Natsu"

"BULLSHIT, She doesn't even know that I know!"

"Lucy what you have done is unacceptable, when Makarov returns we must report what you have done."

"Please... Don't, I won't do it again"

"I know you won't, because if you do ill burn you to ashes!"

Natsu fights against the others holding him back making sure he doesn't harm Lucy, no matter how much she deserved it.

"Your lucky I can still track down Y/n, otherwise you are going to face my wrath, and I will not hold back"
I say lighting my fist on fire.


I sit inside an old abandoned shed I had discovered in the bushes, by now I had partially calmed down but I could still feel darkness inside of me.

Could I get rid of it?
Should I ever go back?
Am I too dangerous to be around others?


Someone calls out in the distance, I huddle in the corner bringing my legs up to my chest. I was frightened and confused but I wasn't afraid for me but for whoever was looking for me... I don't want to hurt anyone but if Erza hadn't stopped me I would've snapped Lucy's neck without a sweat.


please...I'm begging you, leave me alone.
I don't want to hurt anyone else
I'm not a bad I?


Their voice was getting closer, I could tell it was a male but his scent seemed to be blocked due to my concentration and the panic in my head.

"Please come out Y/n, what happened wasn't your fault"


My eyes go wide and tears stream downy face, I didn't want him to see me after what I had done, I had disappeared and became broken... I saw his face, how he looked at me.


I open my eyes seeing Natsu starting at me.

"Please, don't look aft me"
I say burrying my head in my knees

But of course I should have known he wouldn't listen as I watch him do the complete opposite and he started to approach me.

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