Chapter 49

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I swallow hard taking one final look around me at everyone I know and love.

"Well...well...well, at this rate he'll kill all your friends"

"I... can't do it"

"Not by yourself no, you can't protect anyone"

"I was no use"

"Then stop pretending, you know how much you need me"

"I can't do it... Alone"

"Does this mean you finally stop holding me back?"

A tear runs down my cheek knowing the answer.

"It's time Y/n, accept me"

"All right... I'm ready"
I swallow hard and close my eyes

"Sleep well...Y/n"


My eyes go blood red and a twisted smile spreads across my face.

"It's payback time"
I laugh charging toward him at top speed.

Knowing the others are no longer of any help I accepted the fact it was all up to me, the monster swipes a paw at me and hits me though instead of flying to the side I grip onto it climbing like a monkey up its arm/limb.
It attempts to swat me but is unsuccessful, crawling like a spider up its neck I cling onto the side of his face aiming for the eye. Laughing in a distorted voice that sounded inhuman I retract razor claws making them grow over my fingernails, ignoring the blood on my face I dig my claws around the side of it's eye-gouging it out of the socket laughing like a lunatic.

"I wonder how small your brain is? Let's find out"
Scambling towards the ear I crawl inside.

"I'll crawl right in here just like a centipede"

The oxygen was low but that didn't bother me, on my way toward the brain just for fun I decided to cut a few nerves and shed his inner ear feeling proud of myself as his roars of pain we're music to my ears.

"Aha! Finally, I was starting to think there was nothing but an empty space"

Diving for the brain I dig my claws in it ripping the layers planing on shoveling my way to the center.

"After this I might eat your heart while it's still beating, if I'm going to do that ill have to be careful what areas to leave unharmed"

You could hear his roars vibrate the inside of his body which was starting to annoy me.

I yell banging on the roof of his skull

"Well, my work here is done. Now it's time for the main course, all I have to do is enter the mouth travel down the esophagus and enter through the lungs or stomach. While I'm there I'll tear a hole escaping through it and eventually finding the heart, I can just taste it as I take the first bite while it still lives"

Exciting through the ear I hide in his hair waiting for the perfect moment, he let's out a roar giving me the perfect opportunity to just from my hiding spot, I end up in the lungs and tear a hole making my way towards the core. Now that his lungs would be failing I wouldn't have much time.

"If I were a heart where would I be?"
I mumble to myself

Then up ahead was my target, I happily dig my claws holding on and sink my teeth into the beating organ, finally after taking a single bite I cut off all connections making sure blood will no longer be able to pump through the body.

"Why don't we could down from 1'000 in increments of 7?"

His body collapsed to the ground and I burst through his chest like off the movie 'aliens'. Drenched with blood I carry it's large heart in my arms placing it before the others.

"Time to wake up now Y/n, we will meet again soon"

Falling to the ground exhausted I see the heart before me, I shriek in surprise and turn my head looking back at the beast who was now nothing but a lifeless corpse.
Snapping out of it I run towards the others and sit by Natsu stroking his head after checking up on Erza, Grey, Wendy, Happy and Carla.

"Natsu, wake up"
I gently shake him

Dragging him on the grass I lay beside him drained from stamina.
As I drift off to sleep all I could think about was how am I going to explain it to the others"


Waking up in a white room along with a splitting headache I run my fingers through my hair.

"Ugh, where am I?"
Looking around at the unfamiliar room, I could tell it was an infirmary of some sort but how did I get here?

"Hey Y/n your awake, I've been waiting by your bed for hours. I just came back from the bathroom"
He was supporting himself with 2 crutches and wrapped in bandages like a mummy, he puts a hand up to my forehead.
"You feeling ok?"

"Yeah, I think so..."

"You had us all worried, the others will be pleased to know you're doing ok"
He sits beside my bed holding my hand.
"I'm so glad you're ok"

"Why did you take the hit for me? The last thing I wanted was for you to end up like this"

"You should know by now that is do anything to keep you safe, I love you"
He kisses my head lovingly with a toothy grin.
"Once you're feeling a little better we can all go back to the inn and rest from our injuries.

"Hopefully the water in the bathhouse will help relax the muscles in our body's"
I smile

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