Chapter 32

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Without warning I was picked up bridal style and rushed away in Natsus arms.

"Don't even think about it"
I growl

He gives me a cheeky grin and drops me in the water jumping in after me.

"You asshole"

"You should have seen your face, it was priceless"
He laughed pointing at me

"You so annoying"

"Maybe so, but you still love me"
He shows a toothy grin

"That's so true"

I kiss him and feel his arms wrap around my waist underwater bringing me close up against his chest.

"How do you think Happy and Igneel are going?"

He chuckles burying his face in my neck absorbing my scent.

"They're fine, Happy wanted to show him the mini aquarium they had here mainly to show off and brag about his knowledge of fish"
He chuckles to himself
He tightens his grip around me making my breasts press up against his chest
"FYI tonight after we put Igneel to bed I'm tearing this bikini off"

He says with lips close to my ear and hot breath against my skin making a shiver go up my spine.

"Natsu! we're in public"
I whisper loudly giving him a light smack on the chest

He moves us to the corner of the pool in the shade under a decorative rocky ledge hidden from sight, he smashes his lips against mine wrapping my legs around his waist. He licks my bottom lip asking for permission in which I immediately allow we soon break for air panting as he set a small line on kisses down my neck causing me to let out a silent moan.

"C'mon, let's go enjoy the rest of the water park"

I nod and give him a quick kiss ruffling his wet hair.
Lucy was on the edge looking around the surface of the water for any sign of pink hair, eventually, she spots us emerging from underneath out hiding spot making her huff with jealousy.

I should be the one carrying Natsus child, we should have ended up together. What does he see in y/n any way? She's nothing. Am I the only person here who understands Natsu and I are soul mates. I can't believe he got her pregnant AGAIN that should be ME!
Lucy mumbled to herself while clenching her fists and staring at me in disgust.

Meanwhile after getting Wendy to temporarily heal Natsus motion sickness we roam the park for our next activity, with Natsus arm tight on my waist we spot a water slide that caught our interest. While we were walking towards the slide Lucy had already hatched a plan to separate us so she could get alone time with Natsu.
She first found a group of 4 tall sleazy looking males and paid each of them to grab y/n the next time she walked off to quickly get something, then while she gets taken aside Lucy would jump in and take her place.

Wouldn't she just use her magic to get out of our grip?
One of the guys asks scratching his head

"She's pregnant, she can't use too much magic otherwise it's bad for her and the baby, now go away but get ready".

They all nod and walk away with the plan inset. An hour passes Natsu started to whine about being hungry but didn't want to go alone, rolling my eyes I sigh and give in to his wails of what he calls agony and suffering.

"my internal organs are starting to fail, I need food"
He begs

"Fine... C'mon let's find you something to eat"

We finally sit down at a small cafe within the waterpark and I watch as Natsu orders everything off the menu.
I order more than usual cause I'm eating for 2 but the amount Natsu consumes I'm surprised how well in shape he is for a guy who never stops eating.

"I'll be right back"
I kiss his head and start to walk away

Natsu grabs my arm pulling me back towards him.

"Where are you going?"

"Relax geez I'm just going to the bathroom"

We stay silent for a moment as Natsu hesitates and finally lets go of my arm.

"If you're not back in 3 minutes I'm bursting into the bathroom I don't care if it's females only"

"Ugh fine~ be back soon"

I smile then hurry off to the bathroom, soon I emerge and walk out after washing my hands but before I could make my way towards the cafe something grabs me from behind and a hand is clamped over my mouth that when I see Lucy walk towards Natsu and sit across from him then I feel dizzy as a sleeping spell is cast over me and everything goes black.


Where is y/n?
She taking an awfully long time... How long has it been?

I glance up at the clock on the wall checking the time.

I shout out loud

Before I could stand up and rush to where y/n said she would be Lucy sat across from me.


"Sure, what can I do for you Natsu"

"This is very important I need you to go into the female bathroom and tell me if y/n is ok, I'm not allowed in"

"Y/n? she went home... Said she wasn't feeling well but she wanted me to tell you 'that you could say at the waterpark with the others, and I want some alone time"

"Wait... WHAT!, How could she say that?
Does she think I don't care about her?
I gotta go find her... See if she's ok, I don't care if she wants to be alone I need to speak with her and stay by her side as I promised"

"Natsu she's fine, besides it's probably her hormones kicking in, and if you go find her I think she'll be pretty pissed off"

"You don't understand, I NEED to see her I HAVE to see her"

I start to walk away when she puts a hand on my shoulder giving me a smile.

"Sometimes women need alone time, you need to understand that, I know it's hard but it's true"

"But it's no fun without y/n besides something doesn't seem right"

"Your gonna see her tonight when you get home anyway, so why not TRY to enjoy the park, come I'll show you the coolest water slides here"

Before I could reply or react I am dragged toward a tall pink waterslide, overall it still seemed strange... Y/n, where are you?

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