Chapter 25

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I was stunned he asked me such a didn't make sense, as much as I wanted to talk about what had happened that day I had the clean his hair and get the dirt off his body I could see in his eyes his body hurt and it was ruining me to see him like this, I didn't care how annoyed and confused I was he still meant the world to me and I loved him unconditionally.
"Hush" I press my finger against his lips giving him a quick kiss on the shoulder.
"Come" I whispered putting my head against his chest hearing his strong heartbeat.
"Igneel" I call out
He looks our way and smiles wide
A tired smile comes across Natsus face giving our son a hug.
"Come with me" I place my hands out to both of them noticing natsu struggling to walk.
"Don't worry we're almost there" we arrive at a small pond with a small light waterfall, I set up a small area on a grassy patch where we can keep an eye on Igneel and layout some toys to keep him distracted for a moment. Also getting out a brush and some other basic hygiene items.
"Strip down and get in the water your dirty and need to relax, you can barely walk" He looks at me and nods his head.
"What about you?"
"Don't worry I'm going to join you but I need to rinse your clothes first".

He gets in the water passing me his clothes allowing me to wash them and hang them over a branch in the sun to dry out. I soon join him in the water as he smiles down at me putting his forehead against mine.
"turn around" I order
He nods and turns sinking lower so I can get better access to his hair, wetting it and applying hair products I mix it in making sure it gets cleaned properly.
"Alright, dunk your head under"
He does as he's told and I rinse his hair clean.
"This might hurt a little" I mention softly as I pick up a brush and carefully run it through his hair getting out all the knots and twigs caught trying my best not to harm him, After cleaning and brushing his hair it looked like the same pink hair I learned to love.
"I'm almost done"
I say touching his back making him flinch in pain, picking up a sponge I lightly run it along his dirt-covered back. I could tell he was in pain so I take my time in the amount of pressure I use on him.
"I know it hurts, I'm sorry but I'm almost done"
He reaches a hand from behind his back in the hope of holding mine, I happily accept and am surprised how much it helped him deal with the pain.
"you can turn around now, your hair and back are done"

He turns a faces me starting into my eyes lovingly appreciating what I'm doing, Natsu leans forward giving me a light kiss
"I love you y/n, never forget that" he whispers lips almost touching my ear, I smile a little and hold his face in my hands starting into his onyx eyes.
"No matter how mad or upset I get with you at times I want you to remember that I love you unconditionally and will start by your side forever if you'll allow me"
"You'll always be my y/n"
I chuckle
"Show me where it hurts"
"In the field it didn't seem like it?"
He gives me a quick kiss
"Sometimes the pain is worth it"
"Alright straighten up"
Strengthening up the top half of his body I gently scrub his abs, every now and then he let out little grunts of pain but that's all.
"Can you use your hand instead"
"*sigh* alright stay still"
I run my wet hands over his chest along his abs and up to his shoulders, he sighs happily with relief.
"Much better?"
"Good" I say providing him with a quick kiss on the right side of his chest.

After helping him relax and clean his ENTIRE body (yes, everywhere). He sighs with relief and grateful his muscles had loosened and body was no longer screaming with pain, He gives me a toothy cheeky smile.
"Natsu?... What's up with you?
"your turn" he says picking up a sponge
"I washed my hair yesterday"
Turning my back to him I could feel his chest press against me wrapping his arms around my torso and putting a chin on my shoulder.
"Awww c'mon, it's not that weird we take showers together all the time, we made a kid and you did me so I should get to clean you"
I sigh in defeat
"You sure know how to make someone feel guilty"
"You'll enjoy it, I guaranty it"
"Thank you" he whispers giving me a kiss on the neck.
"It's alright"
"Standstill and I will do you back, don't worry I'll be gentle"
I nod, he moves my hair over my shoulder to get better access as he starts slowly running the sponge along my back. After doing my back and annoyingly taking his time cleaning my front we were both squeaky clean, he tried to give a thorough cleaning in which I refused and made him sulk for a few minutes.

I walk to the edge before his arm slithers around my waist pulling me towards him.
"What are you doing?..."
"I don't know what you're referring to?"
"We should get out now"
"My body might hurt again if I get out"
"You can't stay in here forever"
"Just a little longer... please"
"*sigh* fine, but I'm getting out"
"Only if you can get out of my grip"
"Let me go"
"No, I'm gonna spend every second with you so we should make the most of it"
"Natsu~" I raise an eyebrow
"Shhhh, don't wanna wake up Igneel" he gestures pointing to a sleeping dragon slayer.
I just stare at him as my reply.
"We don't have to if you don't want to"
He gives a small smile.
I lightly chuckle and roll my eyes
"I'm waiting for you"
His head perks up in excitement with a naughty grin
"You sure?"
Holding his chin in my hand I look him in the eyes.
"Females don't like to be kept waiting".

I had completely forgotten about the situation that caused me to run away all I knew was that Natsu and I were going to have a little chat with lucy but my method of talking wasn't as gentle as lucy would be hoping for.

You know what they say
karmas a bitch

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