Chapter 5

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After listening to the master I and natsu walk together examining the request board in search of a quest to go on, "hey Natsu look I got my fairy tail stamp!" Lucy shouts excitedly from behind. "That cool" I mumble kinda ignoring her and focusing on the board, "how come my dad hasn't come back yet?" We hear a boy talk to master my head immediately looks in the direction listening in on the conversation Natsu put a hand on my shoulder doing the same.

"You starting to test my patient's boy" "but master he told me he'd be back in 3 days AND HE'S BEEN GONE FOR OVER A WEEK NOW" "listen Romeo your fathers a wizard h---” " then why won't you send anyone after him" the kid runs our the guild tears filling his eyes. I clench my fists and quickly turn to exit the guild while Natsu punches the board and walks beside me sharing my emotions.

As we walk past Romeo I run my fingers through his hair understanding his pain as a tear runs down my cheek, Natsu notices this and gently wipes it away holding me close to him as we head out toward the mountain to find Romeos father.


"Why did you come with us?" I say to lucy resting my head on Natsus stomach with us both on the floor of the carriage desperately trying to hold down our breakfast. "I thought I could help" "I'm dying" he manages to mumble" "wow you 2 really do get sick during transportation, just another reason to feel sorry for you" "hey what's that supposed to mean!?" We both growl.

Eventually Natsu and I fell asleep and it was just lucy and happy, "so why did they both get so emotional when they saw Romeo?" "I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but, many years ago Natsu's father and y/n mom and dad left and never came back it was on the same day too, technically it wasn't their real parents but the ones that raised them they were actually dragons" "WAIT WHAT! Natsu and y/n were really raised by dragons!" Happy nods "when they were little kids dragons found them wandering the forest only Igneel found Natsu and y/n was found by Pandora and Ragnar. They took them in and taught them all about language, culture and magic but one day their dragons disappeared and never returned, and they both live for the day they will see their dragons kinda cute if you think about it" "so what about them, apparently they met in the forest?" "Yeah they were both wandering the forest searching for their dragons when they finally met, at first y/n ran away in fright because she'd never seen another person before and she felt in danger without Pandora or Ragnar. Natsu managed to catch her but she ran away again though Natsu didn't chase her soon she came back to him, I think she saw herself in him they stayed together and natsu promised to be beside her after that Makarov found them and they were brought to fairy tail. Since then they have been super close and natsu still kept his promise but it obvious that without her Natsu is lost, every now and then you'll see his reactions" Happy giggles.

"Do you think if Natsu found ...someone, he'd pick that person and just be close friends with y/n?" Happy shrugs "no one knows its not happened before" lucy smiles to herself and looks at Natsu sleep peacefully. The cart finally stopped making Natsu wake up immediately and looking at me seeing my head resting on his chest a small smile crept across his face. Running fingers through my hair wakes me my eyes flutter open with Natsu face the first thing I see.

I sit up "please tell me we're here" I rub my eyes, Natsu picks me up bridal style carrying me out the carriage and placing me on the ground to my feet. "Well c'mon we gotta get Romeos dad Natsu says seriously while making sure I was within his sight.

Snow falls violently as Happy, Natsu, Lucy and I travel up a snowy mountain in search for the missing wizard "why is it so cold, I know we're on a mountain but its summer right now but there shouldn't be a blizzard anywhere" Lucy whines "that's what you get for wearing light clothing" Natsu replies causing me to silently giggle "oh please you 2 aren't dressed for it" "we don't need to be" I say rolling my eyes" she places her hands on her hips "and why is that" "well I'm a fire dragon slayer so I cat heat up my body and y/n a storm dragon slayer so shes use to some types of climates" "I don't care, now hand over that blanket" she yells "well you asked, man she just keeps on talking" "aye".

"Oh I know, open gate of the clock constellation Horologium" a giant grandfather clock with a face pops out of nowhere with lucy sitting inside desperate for warmth. "We can't hear you while you inside the clock" I sigh "get the clock to translate, "she said she's not coming out"
"Then why'd you dag along?" "C'mon Natsu we don't have time for this" "I want to go back to the guild" I glare at her "your welcome too but I'm not going with you until I find Macow".

"MACAO, WHERE ARE YOU" Natsu and I shout in worry, a growl is heard from above and without warning a Vulcan stands before us "well damn, this sucks" I groan looking at the monkey, before I could get out of the way with one swipe the Vulcan grabs me and Lucy as he clock companion vanishes. "Awwww c'mon seriously, this is so not cool put me down" I start to charge my body to attack but the Vulcan squeezes me tighter making it painful. I clench my teeth and look at Natsu trying to think of a way I can escape without his help, "don't worry about me just find Macao" the Vulcan runs off with me and lucy.

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