Chapter 34

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Natsu... Natsu where are you? I need you NOW... Please help me.

I was frightened, scared and had no hope of escape in my current situation but most importantly I was afraid for 'Ragnar' (unborn child's name), I hadn't even gotten the chance to tell Natsu we were having another boy. I could just imagine his reaction, he never said anything but I kinda knew he was hoping for another boy and I knew Igneel wanted a brother.

"Your audience awaits"

I jump hearing the same man from before.

"What are you talking about"
I speak in disgust

"You'll see"

I pick up the scent of 2 others approaching.

"Don't worry they're just here to transport you"

"Transport me?"

Then with a sudden hit to the head it was lights out.


I couldn't do this alone I needed help, I ran in search of Erza, Grey, Wendy and anyone else I could find out of the people who came with us. I couldn't tell Happy... If I told Happy Igneel would find out and that's the last thing I wanted.


I bolt towards them in determination, they turn their heads in my direction confused and worried.

"Natsu what's wrong?"
Erza asks putting a hand on my shoulder

"It's y/n... I think something terrible has happened"

"Wait, WHAT?, how do you know?..."
Grey replies worriedly

"I'll explain later but in the meantime we need to search for her"

"Can't you just pick up her scent and find her?"

"I tried Wendy, but her scent ends about 1 meter away from the female bathroom"

"This is serious, we must take action and split up"
Erza instructs

I should've stayed with you by your side y/n... I let you down but don't worry
I will find you y/n, I promise.


My head was killing me, I start to gain conciseness but by that time I had started to realize I was moving but I was also upright. I was being wheeled somewhere and I wasn't sure I wanted to know where, I soon stopped moving and the smell of cigars filled my nose as well as champagne and strong-smelling cologne I hear males chattering among themselves behind a door or maybe a wall I wasn't quite sure. The sack was pulled off my head and a man in a suit instantly locked some sort of thick gold coloured metal collar around my neck instantly draining energy from my body giving only the strength to walk, with shackled hands I'm pulled along by a chain attached to the collar.

Ugh... I feel like a dog

It was then when I realized I was wearing a tight and revealing dress showing off my curves and way~ to much skin, I imagined they dressed me in this to show me off to the so-called clients or buyers. I was pulled through a pair of red doors and pushed into a circular room with windows all around and men in expensive suits sat on the other side drooling and eyeing me up and down.

"Today we have an extra rare merchandise, a 'storm dragonslayer'. Along with her beauty she got a feisty spirit and will be an excellent addition to a collection or for those who just want something special"
A voice says through a speaker

"We will start the bid at 1'000'000J"

"Go to hell!"

The sound of buttons being pressed rings in my ears









"10'000'000J!!! WE HAVE A NEW RECORD"

"10'000'000J going once... Going twice... And SOLD to the man in the back booth A3"

A few disappointed sighs go round the room knowing that they will walk home with a dragonslayer in their possession. I'm taken of staged and forged out of a backroom seeing the buyer waiting for me the chain is passed over to him as he hands them a check with a 6'000J tip.

"Well from the looks of it I definitely got my moneys worth, so what can I call you?"

"... Y/n"
I mutter in disgust while glaring at him bearing my fangs

"Hmmm... I don't like that name, I guess I'll have to pick one"

He thinks for a moment then clicks his fingers

"I know! I think I'll call you s/n (slave name)"

He tugs on the chain as I try to resist but the magic on the collar is too much for me and I drop to my knees.

"You will be in that position a lot back at my house so might as well get use to it"
He chuckles making me feel disgusted in what he had in mind

"Now you're coming with me"

Someone behind me shouts while charging at the man top speed

The client is flung to the side slamming against a solid wall while all I managed to see was a flash of fire and feeling a tremendous amount of heat. The smoke clears and a tall figure stands above the man in rage, his fists and body alight on fire while low angry growling was heard... That scent... I know that scent. I wasn't 100% sure who the figure was because the smoke blocked most of what he smelled like but I was only praying it was who I thought it was. Finally as the smoke cleared I saw my rescuer, his pink hair now once again dirty, those charming onyx eyes and broad shoulders attached to a muscular body. Tears fill my eyes as I look at him once again remembering why I married him and how he promised to protect me and save me in times of need.


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