Chapter 10

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Walking in my room I sit on my bed fiddling with my finger wonder what Natsu wanted to talk about, I jump hearing the front door open and lock as someone enters the house walking towards my room pushing my door open and standing in the doorway looking at me.

"Hi" I say putting on a fake smile "don't do that" my face goes into confusion "don't do what?" "Don't smile like that... I know when you're faking it and I can tell if somethings bothering you, others may fall for it but I can see it clear as day" swallowing hard I hang my head in defeat. He sits beside me and looks at the ground "no more lies... I wanna know everything that's bothering you, don't leave anything out".

I go to speak but nothing comes out, not knowing what to say or how to tell him what's going on, starting to pick me up bridal style he carries me toward his room and lays both of us down together pulling the blanket over us. "Now tell me" he whispers to me burying his face in my hair "I don't know how..." Leaning on one elbow and supporting himself with his arm I looking into his eyes as he hovers over me.

"We're not going anywhere until you tell me what going on inside your head" "...I'm afraid of being alone again, I know I sound weak and pathetic talking like this but I can't explain it any different, and now that lucys here I feel things are starting to change---" before I can speak another work his presses his lip against mine.

With his lips against mine we share a moment, wrapping your hands around his neck fingers running through his soft spiky looking hair. Breaking the kiss he presses his head against yours "if you ever start to feel like that again I want you to tell me" "I'm sorry if you feel like you have to protect me 24/7" he lets out a small laugh "protecting you is just something that I do, besides it means I can hold you close to me allowing our bodies to touch and be close you like right now, and there's nowhere I'd rather be than right here with you, thank you for telling me the truth now let's get some sleep".

On our way to the guild happy lays on my shoulder "its way too hot today, hey natsu the next mission must be in a cooler climate" "aye". " HEY NATSU" a waving lucy runs towards us, natsu flashes me a look and smiles squeezed my hand letting me know everything will be ok, she stands before the 2 of us as we all walk into the guild "y/n it's your turn to pick the quest, I picked last one so it's only fair".

I walk over to the quest board looking at each mission and what the reward was. I turn my head once again seeing Natsu and gry butting heads calling each other names and throwing punches, loke runs through the guild screaming mentioning erza. The whole guild me included freak out and start to clean the debris before she arrives and notices the mess.

A shadow stands in the doorway holding a monster horn that I'm guessing she defeated while she was away. Erza starts to dig into every one ordering them around and criticizing them. "Are Natsu, Grey and Y/n here?" "Yep me and natsu were just hanging out as friends do, right buddy" "aye, grey and me couldn't be better". " I'm glad to see to both finally getting along, where is y/n she must be around where ever natsu is y/n will be nearby" "I'm over here".

"Y/n may seem to be scared of erza but surprisingly they get on well though that doesn't mean erza won't hit her on the head along with natsu and grey" Mira says smiling at lucy, "fun fact y/n is the only one other than erza that can break Natsu and Grey up, though she usually just take it out on one another unless its an emergency"

"I've only ever seen Natsu and y/n battle together twice but they didn't need to do much to defeat them, what are they really like in a battle?". " as you already know Natsu uses fire dragon magic and y/n uses storm dragon magic fighting solo they are extremely powerful but together they are almost unbeatable, they are both strong enough to become S-class but they know they cant fight together in the trials and both come out S-class and if one does then next time they won't be able to fight together, that's why we keep on trying to convince them to battle separately for once"

Natsu, grey and I walk over to erza "listen up the 3 of you are the strongest wizard here, I could use your help" the guild mutters to each other in shock that erza is asking for our help "we'll meet at the train station tomorrow" she says walking away "well I'll be damned Natsu and Grey on the same team, never thought I'd see the day". Mira looks at lucy "the 4 of them all together, this is the most powerful team fairy tail has ever seen".

"Please don't make me go on the train anything but that" both of us try to get away from erza dragging us by one foot using only a single hand. " hey lucky why did you come along anyway" I raise an eyebrow "I thought you didn't want to go on another quest" natsu backs me up "well I guess I decided to change my mind besides I'm sure I'll be a great member of this team" me and natsu share a look before the train starts moving our making our faces turn blue feeling as if we were about to die.


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