Chapter 33

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I didn't know what to think, how could y/n just leave. I halt to a stop making Lucy jerk back still holding my wrist.

"Lucy this doesn't make sense, she didn't even say goodbye to me... She always tells me things like this herself then she tells Igneel"

"Don't forget Happy is with Igneel, he's looking after him and she knows that"

I scratch the back of my head in worry and feeling slightly disappointed we won't be spending the day together.

"Well this sucks, I was hoping to spend the day with her... Do you think she's mad at me for something?"

"I'm sure everything fine, don't worry I'd never abandon you Natsu"

"Ummmm ok...."
I swallow hard feeling uncomfortable with what she just said and the tone of her voice.


She points at a tall large pink slide that only groups of 2 are allowed on.

"Let's go on it!"

"I'm not so sure about this Lucy, I don't think it's right for me to do something like this"

"Oh c'mon or are you afraid"
She crosses her arms and I hang my head

"I wanna first find out why it has to be a group of 2 only"

I walk over towards the stairs leading up to the top and reluctantly go up with Lucy trailing behind me, we eventually make it to the top and I suddenly realize why it was groups of 2.

I say feeling extremely pressured and as if I were betraying y/n

"Why not? It's just a water slide"

"Yeah, but it's meant for couples or whatever, see look at the sign"

I point at a sign on the wall with a picture underneath of a female sitting on a male's lap.

"If we went on this you would have to be on my lap and I refuse to do anything of the sort unless it was with y/n"

A small frown forms on my face but before I could walk away I'm pushed backward as Lucy and I land in the water with her on top of me traveling down the slide as she clings onto my shoulders and chest.

"Lucy what the hell!"

We eventually splash at the bottom and by then I've got steam rising up off my body raging with anger, I grab her by the arm and drag her to a corner.

I yell quietly but loud enough to frighten her

"It was just meant to be fun"

"For you maybe, geez Lucy have you forgotten I'm MARRIED back there on the slide it felt like I was betraying y/n. She means the world to me and without her my life would feel pointless, it would be as if every day would be a replay but with y/n every day is an adventure even on the days where all we do is stay inside I wouldn't trade it for anything"

Tears swell up in her eyes

"Natsu I... I... I love you"

"Lucy stop talki--"

"No, not until I tell you"

She squeezes her eyes closed as tears flow down her cheeks and she looks me straight in the eyes.

"Natsu... I love you, I've loved you from the moment I joined fairy tail because it was by then I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and I wanted to start a family with you and have kids while living in a cozy house just you and me together I nee--"

I clamp my hand over her mouth not wanting to hear such filth, she goes in for a hug in which I immediately decline by putting my hand on her face pushing her away.

I speak with teeth clenched and my hands balled up in a fist

"I... I don't know"
She speaks quietly

"If I find that she has been harmed in any way, we are going to have"
I say while cracking my knuckles

I turn around stomping off in rage but the was still one thing on my mind the frightened me where was y/n
But what scared me even more was I couldn't find her scent, it seemed to just stop in front of the female bathroom and without her scent she could be anywhere, I can't bare the thought of her getting harmed and she's PREGNANT who knows what could happen if I'm not able to find her soon y/n... Where are you?


Where am I?
What just happened?
Where's Natsu?

I slowly start to wake up I feel drowsy but almost instantly knew something was wrong,

why did I have a burlap sack over my head?

I could kinda see through it but only moving things other than that I had absolutely no idea where I was. I decided to use a little of my magic to find out but when nothing happened I realized my wrists were bound together with some kind of magic proof rope that I wasn't even able to cut it was as if it were unbreakable.

I'm in one sticky situation... Natsu, where are you?

From what I could hear, it seems as if I were indoors hearing the creaking of stairs and footsteps tap along wooden floorboards behind me.

"Who's there?"

I growl showing them I was not afraid when the truth was inside my gut I was terrified, Whatever happens I must remain calm and figure out how I could get out of this situation.

"My my my feisty one aren't we?"

A man spoke as he seemed to be circling me from the sound of his footsteps.

"What do you want with me? My magic? Well good luck asshole"

"Oh heavens no, I don't want your magic, you however will make me a great deal of money"

"Oh really? And how is that?"
I growl

"Simple, a beauty such as your self not to mention being a dragon slayer will sell top dollar, And yes I'm aware that you are pregnant but once you are sold it's up to the buyer whether you can keep it because I'm sure he can find a way to kill it before it's even born"

He begins to walk away but pauses for a moment.

"And don't bother fighting back... Each purchase comes with a neck chain blocking all magic and weakening your strength so good luck trying to resist, your gonna need it"
He chuckles slamming a door shut.

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